Besides oral and poster presentations, workshops will be organized to discuss three hot topics. All ICONAN 2019 participants will have access to these workshops.

Start-up session: How to successfully start a bio-nano-pharmaceutical company?


In this interactive session, 2-3 scientists who started spin-off companies will briefly present the nanoformulations they are developing and translating to the clinic. In addition, they will share experience and expertise on what it takes to be successful in the various stages of starting and consolidating a bio-nano-pharmaceutical enterprise. The session will end with 15-30 minutes of plenary discussion, in which the audience can ask questions, request advice, pitch ideas etc. Questions will also be collected during the session, via an online portal or app, and will be addressed by the moderator and speakers in the plenary discussion.

Dr. Cristianne Rijcken: 

Chief Scientific Officer and a Founder of Cristal Therapeutics, The Netherlands

Dr. Bart Metselaar: 

Enceladus Pharmaceuticals / RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Grant session: How to successfully apply for a prestigious personal grant?

In this interactive session, 4 scientists who secured prestigious individual grants (Marie Curie, ERC Starting/Consolidator Grant) will share their tipps and tricks for preparing a successful proposal. Both the written part and the panel interviews will be addressed. The session will end with 15-30 minutes of plenary discussion, in which the audience can ask questions, request advice, pitch ideas etc. Questions will also be collected during the session, via an online portal or app, and will be addressed by the moderator and speakers in the plenary discussion.

Dr. Roy van Der Meel: 

Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Prof. Twan Lammers: 

ExMI – Experimental Molecular Imaging, Germany

Large projects session: How to run a successful bio-nano-pharmaceutical consortial project?

In this session, 3 scientists who are coordinating large project consortia will share their experience and expertise on how to efficiently initiate and run such projects. They will provide insights into both scientific and administrative aspects and will highlight some of the key advances in terms of basic science and translation in their respective projects. The session will end with 15-30 minutes of plenary discussion, based on questions/feedback by the audience. Questions will be collected during the session, via an online portal or app, and will be addressed by the moderator and speakers in the plenary discussion.

Dr. Matthias Barz: 

AK Barz Lab, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

Prof. Paolo Decuzzi: 

Italian Institute of Technology, Italy

More speakers and information to come.