Schedule Overview

The detailed schedule will be published 2 weeks before the conference.

The Plenary speeches will be held in the auditorium, all other activities are suspended during those sessions in order to enable all participants to attend. There will be several oral sessions in parallel during the afternoon on different topics. Those sessions will be held in smaller rooms and the participants can select the ones they want to attend depending on their topics of interest.


Because promoting excellence matters

The journal Cancers (MDPI) is pleased to offer a prize to the best oral presentation of ICONAN 2024. The Prize includes:

[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A certificate

[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A € 500 cash prize

The award goes to Ana Ortiz-Perez (Eindhoven University of Technology) for her talk «Machine learning-guided high throughput nanoparticle design»

The journals Pharmaceutics and Nanomaterials (MDPI) are pleased to offer a prize to the best poster presentation of ICONAN 2024. The Prize includes:

[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A certificate

[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A € 500 cash prize

The award goes to Nicolò Maria Percivalle (Politecnico di Torino) for his poster «Innovative drug-loaded and hybrid-coated nanoparticles for multiple myeloma treatment»