SCHEDULE (CET – Central European Time)
The journal CSBJ is pleased to offer a prize for the two best oral presentations of S3IC 2024. The Prize includes:
[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A certificate
[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A € 500 cash prize
The award goes to Lisa-Maria Needham (University of Cambridge) for her talk ‘Label-free detection and profiling of individual solution-phase molecules’. Prof. Randall H. Goldsmith accepted the award on behalf of Lisa-Maria Needham.
The award goes to Maria Sanz-Paz (University of Victoria) for his talk ‘Broadband Plasmonic Nanoantennas for Multi-Color Nanoscale Dynamics in Living Cells’.
The journal CSBJ is pleased to offer a prize for the two best poster presentations of S3IC 2024. The Prize includes:
[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A certificate
[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A € 500 cash prize
The award goes to Simon Brauburger (University of Cambridge) for his poster ‘Towards direct transcriptome characterization using RNA nanotechnology in solid-state nanopores’.
The award goes to Xingzao Wang (University of Oxford) for his poster ‘ON-OFF nanopores for optical control of transmembrane ionic communication’.
The journal CSBJ is pleased to offer a prize for the best young researcher oral presentation of S3IC 2024. The Prize includes:
[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A certificate
[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A € 500 cash prize
The award goes to Nathan Ronceray (Laboratory of Nanoscale Biology, EPFL ) for his presentation ‘Multiplexed lifetime imaging of single molecules with a gated single-photon camera’.
The award goes to Matthew Peters (University of Victoria) for his presentation ‘Uncovering the energy landscape of single protein conformational changes in nanoaperture optical tweezers’.