Schedule overview
Schedule overview
- 8 AM
- 9 AM
- 10:15 AM
- 10:45 AM
- 12 PM
- 1:30 PM
- 3:30 PM
- 4 PM
- 7 PM
Monday, November 30
- Registration
- Plenary speeches
- Break
- Plenary speeches
- Lunch
- Posters session
& Sponsors exhibition - Break
- Oral sessions
& Workshops - Afterwork
Tuesday, December 1st
- Registration
- Plenary speeches
- Break
- Plenary speeches
- Lunch
- Posters session
& Sponsors exhibition - Break
- Oral sessions
& Workshops - Afterwork
Wednesday, December 2
- Registration
- Plenary speeches
- Break
- Plenary speeches
- Lunch
- Posters session
& Sponsors exhibition - Break
- Oral sessions
& Workshops
The Plenary speeches will be held in the auditorium, all other activities are suspended during those sessions in order to enable all participants to attend. There will be several oral sessions and workshops in parallel during the afternoon on different topics. Those sessions will be held in smaller rooms and the participants can select the ones they want to attend depending on their topics of interest.
The detailed schedule will be published 2 weeks before the Conference.