Submit Your Abstract Now!
Submit your abstract through the abstract submission system. You will be required to set up an account first.
All submissions will be reviewed based on technical merit, readability, relevance, and originality.
If you have any questions about the submission process, check the FAQ here or contact us.
Submission – September 30th, 2020
Registration – October 30th, 2020
Conference – November 30th – December 2nd, 2020
If you submit your abstract before September 30th then you should receive the notification of acceptance/rejection by email on October 10th at the latest. You will be able to register and confirm your participation once you receive the notification of acceptance
Depending on the number of submissions, the committee may ask to record your presentation in order to ensure a smooth conference but please note that there will be always a live Q&A session at the end of the conference in order to ensure interactions.
Oral presentation
Oral sessions consist of a series of individual talks. The time allocated to each oral presentation is 12 minutes including 3 minutes for questions.
Flash presentation (poster)
Flash sessions consist of a series of short recorded oral presentations. The time allocated to each flash presentation is around 3 minutes and there will be time for questions covering all the presentations of the session.
All accepted abstracts will be scheduled for oral, poster or workshop presentation and will be compiled in PDF format. A digital version of the book of abstracts will be available online.

All authors with accepted abstract will be able to submit the corresponding full papers for publication in the conference proceedings. More partner Journals will be announced soon.