Paper Submission

Submission picture

Submit your paper now!

Authors are invited to submit original contributions to all EMC-related aspects within the technical areas listed above. 

Only full 2-column, 4- to 6-page papers, prepared according
to the IEEE rules for style using the template provided on the EMC Europe 2025 website,
will be peer-reviewed and checked for plagiarism using the IEEE CrossCheck portal.
Papers should be uploaded in PDF-format through the online conference system
( before February 17, 2025.

To submit the contribution, a new account has to be registered or an existing author’s account has to be used. 

Final versions of accepted papers which will be presented at oral
or poster sessions at EMC Europe 2025 will be submitted for publication in the IEEE
Xplore® database.
 The Electronic IEEE Copyright Form must be signed for each paper
and the appropriate copyright clearance code notice added to the bottom of the paper’s
first page. The Best Symposium Paper and Best Student paper will be selected by the
International Steering Committee and awarded at the conference dinner.

If you have any questions about the submission process, check the FAQ here or contact us.


Special Session Proposals: ​January 13, 2025

Paper Submission Deadline: February 17, 2025

Workshop & Tutorial Proposals: March 31, 2025

Notification of Paper Acceptance: April 28, 2025

Registration of participants: April 1, 2025 (starting date)

Reduced Registration Fee: June 2, 2025

Final Paper Submission: June 2, 2025

Exhibition Application: June 27, 2025