Prof. Christine Ménager

Prof. Christine Ménager

Sorbonne Université, France

Christine Ménager is Full Professor in Chemistry at Sorbonne University (Paris, France) since 2012. She is leading the group “Inorganic Colloids” at PHENIX Laboratory and she is the head of the scientific council of the faculty of chemistry at Sorbonne University. Her research interests include the design of complex magnetic systems (hybrid nanoparticles, liposomes, nanogels) for drug-delivery and theranostic. She published more than 60 publications in international journals, 2 book chapters and 1 patent, with over 2600 citations (h-factor 26, Isi Web of knowledge).

Prof. Régine Perzynski

Prof. Régine Perzynski

Sorbonne Université, France

Régine Perzynski, Full Professor in Physics, specialty Soft Condensed Matter at Sorbonne Université (Paris, France) since 1996 – Has completed her “thèse de doctorat d’état” in Solid State Physics in 1984 under the direction of P.G. de Gennes (SRM/CEA-Saclay). She is a Soft Matter specialist and is currently working on ferrofluids and complex magnetic media, in particular with respect to physical-chemistry (structure and transport properties), magnetism and magneto-optics, micro- and macro-rheology, surface phenomena and applications. Has co-directed 28 PhD thesis, co-organized 16 international conferences (WoS h=38 ; 187 papers in July 2018).
She is member of the Comité National des Universités (CNU 28 – Condensed Matter Physics) and is also the head of the HDR commission, degree for being allowed to supervise a PhD student in Physics in Sorbonne University.
She will act as co-chair of ICMF15 conference.

Prof. Pierre Levitz

Prof. Pierre Levitz

Sorbonne Université, France

Dr. Pierre E. Levitz is senior scientist at CNRS. He is a civil engineer in material sciences and obtained a Thèse d’Etat in 1985 on the structure and the thermodynamics of surfactants adsorption layers at the solid-liquid interface, under the supervision of Pr Fripiat. Since mid 2011, he heads the PHENIX laboratory at UPMC – Sorbonne Université. Member of the high council for large scientific infrastructure of the French minister of research and education, he is also member of SOLEIL Synchrotron scientific advisory committee and deputy director of a GDRI (international group of research) on Multiscale Materials Under Nanoscope (more than 20 lab. around the world).  His scientific interests are focused on physics and chemical physics of confinement in disordered interfacial media including the following topics:

– Morphology, topology and 3D imagery of porous materials (catalysts, membranes, soil, rocks, bones and biological tissues)

– Structure, transport and dynamics of confined fluids and colloidal complex fluid

– Phase transitions in interfacial confinement.

He is co-author of more than 190 publications with about 6900 citations. He has lead 22 PhD theses. He has (co) organized 13 national or international congresses, two international schools at les Houches in 1999 and 2006 and 2 international schools at Cargese, Corsica in 2010 and 2014.

Pierre Levitz can be reached by Email at

 List of active and honorary members of the steering committee

S. Odenbach (Chairman), Germany, Dresden

H. Yamaguchi (Vice-Chairman), Japan, Kyoto

E. Blums, Latvia, Riga

A. Figueiredo Neto, Brazil, Sao Paulo

P. Kopcansky, Slovak, Kosice

R.P. Pant, India, New Dehli

M.S. Krakov, Belarus, Minsk

Ch. Ménager, France, Paris

Yu.L. Raikher, Russia, Perm

L. Vekás, Romania, Timisoara

R. Rosensweig, USA, Annendale

M. Shliomis, Israel, Ber-Sheva

M. Zahn, USA, MIT

A. Y. Zubarev, Russia, Ekaterinburg

International Organizing Committee

The ICMF 2019 International Organizing Committee is composed of experienced Professors and Doctors who are in charge of assessing the submitted papers based on the peer review method.

Prof. Souad Ammar-Merah

Université Paris Diderot, France

Prof. Jeyadevan Balachandran

University of Shiga Prefecture, Japan

Prof. Sylvie Bégin-Colin

IPCMS, Université de Strasbourg, France

Dr. Julian Carrey

Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse, France

Prof. Andrejs Cebers

University of Latvia, Latvia

Prof. Corinne Chanéac

Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), France

Dr. Fabrice Cousin

Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, France

Prof. Jérôme Depeyrot

Universidade de Brasília, Brazil

Prof. Antonio Martins Figueiredo Neto

Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Prof. Alexey Ivanov

Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Ass. Prof. Sofia Kantorovich

University of Vienna, Austria

 Dr. Pavel Kuzhir

Institute of Physics of Nice (INPHYNI), University Côte d’Azur, France

Dr. Isabelle Lisiecki
Sorbonne Université, CNRS, MONARIS, France

Dr. Modesto T Lopez-Lopez

University of Granada, Spain

Dr. Cornelia Monzel

Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, Germany

Dr. Maria del Puerto Morales

Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Spain

Dr. Laurence Motte

Paris 13 University, France

Dr. Sawako Nakamae

CEA-CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, France

Prof. Albert Philipse

Utrecht University, Netherlands

Prof. Yuriy Raikher

Laboratory of Physics and Mechanics of Soft Matter
Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics, Russia

Dr. Olivier Sandre

Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques, Bordeaux-INP, Université de Bordeaux, CNRS, France

 Pr. Annette Schmidt 

University of Cologne, Germany

Prof. Hiroshi Yamaguchi

Doshisha University, Japan

Prof. Claire Wilhelm

University Paris Diderot, France

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Pant

CSIR- National Physical Laboratory, India

Dr. Florence Gazeau
Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes (MSC) CNRS / Université Paris Diderot, France

Local Organizing Committee

Agnès Bée

Sophie Neveu

Vincent Dupuis

Ali Abou-Hassan

Véronique Peyre

Jérôme Fresnais

Jean-Michel Siaugue

Nébéwia Griffete

Sébastien Abramson

Emmanuelle Dubois

Guillaume Mériguet

Gilles Demouchy

Charlotte Boitard

Mesut Demirelli

Jesse Riedl

Mitradeep Sarkar

Aude Michel-Tourgis

Amandine Anfry

Frédéric Gélébart

Delphine Talbot

Emilie Secret