NANOP 2025 conference will gather high-profile Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics experts to deliver plenary speeches:
Prof. Andrea Alù
City University of New York, USA
Andrea Alù is a Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York (CUNY), the Einstein Professor of Physics at the CUNY Graduate Center, and the Founding Director of the Photonics Initiative at the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center. He is the President of the Metamorphose VI, the Director of the Simons Collaboration on Extreme Wave Phenomena Driven by Symmetries and the Editor-in-Chief of Optical Materials Express. He is a Fellow of 7 professional societies, a Highly Cited Researcher since 2017, and has received several awards and recognitions for his research activities, including the NSF Alan T. Waterman Award, the Blavatnik National Award for Physics and Engineering and the Max Born Award.
Speech Title: Extreme wavefront control with optical metasurfaces
Prof. Jeremy Baumberg
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Jeremy J. Baumberg FRS, is the Harald Aspden Professor of Fundamental Physics at the University of Cambridge, directing a key UK NanoPhotonics Centre. He develops optical materials structured on the nanoscale, with strong experience at Hitachi, IBM, and his spin-offs combining academic insight with innovation. With over 47000 citations (h-111), he is a leading innovator in Nano, leading to awards including the IoP Faraday gold Medal (2017) and Royal Society Rumford Medal (2014). He is a strategic advisor on nanotechnology to the UK. His recent popular science book is “The Secret Life of Science: How Science Really Works and Why it Matters”. see
Speech Title: Extreme nanophotonics in the MIR
Dr. Antoine Browaeys
IOGS, Paris-Saclay, France
Dr. Emmanuel Baudin
ENS, France
Prof. Javier Garcia de Abajo
ICFO, Spain
Dr. Rachel Grange
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Rupert Oulton
Imperial College London, UK
Prof. Vahid Sandoghdar
MPI Erlangen, Germany
Dr. Pacale Senellart
Paris Saclay, France
Dr. Giulia Tagliabue
EPFL, Switzerland
Dr. Giulia Tagliabue is a Tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of
Mechanical Engineering at EPFL. She joined the Engineering faculty in January 2019
and she is the head of the Laboratory of Nanoscience for Energy Technologies
(LNET). She obtained her PhD in Mechanical Engineering from ETH Zurich in 2015.
From 2015 to 2018 she was a Swiss National Science Foundation Fellow and she
carried on her postdoctoral research jointly at Caltech and the Joint Center for
Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP). Dr. Tagliabue is the recipient of the First Prize of the
Rising Stars of Light Award 2020, the 2021 Early Career Award in Nanophotonics,
the 2023 Zellner Prize in Physical Chemistry, the 2024 Daniela Pucci Prize in
Nanophotonics and the 2024 Latsis University Prize EPFL. Her teaching excellence
was also recognized with the 2024 EPFL Best Teaching Award. In 2020 she was
awarded an Eccellenza Grant from SNSF and in 2022 she received an SNSF Starting
Grant. She is member of ACS, Optica and SPIE. Dr. Tagliabue is currently Managing
Editor of the journal Nanophotonics (DeGruyter).
Speech title : Unraveling Hot Carrier Processes for Advancing Plasmonic Energy Devices
Prof. Andreas Tittl
LMU, Germany
Andreas Tittl is Professor for Experimental Physics at LMU Munich, where he focuses on the design and experimental realization of metasurface concepts with novel nanophotonic functionalities for applications in enhanced light/matter coupling and ultrasensitive biodetection. After receiving his Ph.D in Physics from the University of Stuttgart, he has worked as a postdoctoral researcher and Fellow at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).
Speech Title: Functional nanophotonics with spectrally selective metasurfaces
Prof. Jelena Vuckovic
Stanford, USA
Conference hashtag #NANOP2025