Prof. Philippe Barthélémy
University of Bordeaux – INSERM-CNRS, France
Professor Philippe Barthélémy is the team leader of the ChemBioPharm team of the INSERM unit ARNA and is an expert in hybrid, bioinspired molecules, including nucleoside lipids, glycosylated nucleoside lipids, amino-acid nucleoside lipids and lipid oligonucleotide conjugates. His contribution to this field has been recognized by several prizes including the “Ministère Oseo 2011 Emergence », «Tremplin Entreprise/ESSEC 2011 », Future of innovation (InnovaDay, 2010), « Young observer of IUPAC » Pékin, Chine, (2005) and Ottawa, Canada, (2003). P. Barthélémy was a postdoctoral fellow at Emory University (Lavoisier Grant and Emory Fellowship). P. Barthélémy worked also as a Visiting Associate Professor at Duke University in 2001. In 2005 he was appointed as full Professor at the University of Bordeaux Segalen. Philippe Barthélémy was Vice President of the University of Bordeaux Segalen in 2012.. He is the cofounder of the startup inanov created in 2014. PhilippeBarthélémy published >100 publications in peer-reviewed journals > 15 patents, >100 communications and conférences.

Dr. Valérie Desvergnes
University of Bordeaux – INSERM-CNRS, France
Valérie Desvergnes received her Ph.D in chemistry from the University of Lyon 1, France in 1999. After a postdoctoral fellowship in the group of Professor Jérome Lacour (University of Geneva), she was appointed CNRS researcher at the Institute of Organic and Analytic Chemistry (ICOA, Orléans, France) in 2002. Her research topic was the design, synthesis and biological evaluation of innovative iminosugar nucleotides as antimycobacterial compounds. After several years at the Institute of Molecular Sciences (ISM, Bordeaux), she joined Professor Philippe Barthélémy’s team in 2016, where she develops new bioinspired organocatalyzed synthetic pathways to nucleoconjugates (nucleolipids, glyconucleolipids…).

Prof Mark Grinstaff
Boston University, USA
Mark W. Grinstaff is the Distinguished Professor of Translational Research and a Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, and Medicine at Boston University. He is also the Director of BU’s Nanotechnology Innovation Center, the Director of the NIH T32 Biomaterials Program, and the Associate Director for Engineering and Science at the BU Cancer Center. Mark’s awards include the ACS Nobel Laureate Signature Award, NSF Career Award, Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences, Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, the Edward M. Kennedy Award for Health Care Innovation, and the Clemson Award for Applied Research. He is a Fellow of the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering, the American Academy of Nanomedicine, and the Royal Chemical Society, and a Founding Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. Over the course of his tenure, Grinstaff’s groundbreaking research has yielded more than 275 peer-reviewed publications, more than 200 patents and patent applications, and more than 325 oral presentations. His students and postdoctoral fellows have given more than 400 poster and 150 oral presentations at national and international conferences. He is a co-founder of five companies and his innovative ideas and his efforts have also led to one new FDA approved pharmaceutical (AbraxaneTM) and four medical device products (OcuSeal® and Adherus Surgical Sealants®) that improve clinical care for millions of people. His current research activities involve the synthesis of new macromolecules and biomaterials, self-assembly chemistry, imaging contrast agents, drug delivery, and wound repair.

Prof. Eugen Stulz
University of Southampton, UK
Eugen Stulz graduated from the University of Bern (Switzerland) in 1994, where he subsequently studied for a Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Christian J. Leumann working on artificial nucleases. In 1999, he moved to Cambridge (UK) as a Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) Postdoctoral fellow to the group of Prof. Jeremy K. M. Sanders, working in the field of supramolecular chemistry and dynamic combinatorial libraries using porphyrins. During this time, he also held a part-time teaching position at Anglia Polytechnic University, and an Advanced Research position. In 2003, he moved to the University of Basel (Switzerland) as a Lecturer (Habilitand) with a Fellowship of the Treubel Foundation Basel and started his independent research in the field of supramolecular chemistry using DNA as scaffold for novel functional molecules. In 2006, he was appointed Lecturer in Chemistry at the University of Southampton, promoted Senior Lecturer in 2010 and Associate Professor in 2014. His main interests are in DNA bio-nanotechnology, DNA origami, cancer therapy and flow-through synthesis of nanoparticles.

Prof Stefan Vogel
University of Southern Denmark, DK
Biography coming soon !
The SUPRABIO 2024 Scientific Committee is composed of experienced Professors and Doctors who are in charge of assessing the submitted papers based on the peer review method.

Prof. Philippe Barthélémy
University of Bordeaux - INSERM-CNRS, France

Dr. Valérie Desvergnes
University of Bordeaux - INSERM-CNRS, France

Prof. Mark Grinstaff
Boston University, USA

Prof. Eugen Stulz
University of Southampton, UK

Dr. Bruno Alies
Assistant Professor – University of Bordeaux, France

Dr. Nihal Engin Vrana

Dr. Arnaud Gissot
Assistant Professor – University of Bordeaux, France
Conference hashtag #SupraBio2024