Registration fees

All prices include VAT at German rate of 19%

Confirm your participation to QTech 2024 and secure your seat:


A valid student card will be required by email.

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee members benefit from student registration rates.

Method of payment

Credit or Debit card: click here

Bank transfer: click here

Terms and conditions

Click here


Early Bird Submission - March 22nd, 2024
Early Bird Registration - April 29th, 2024
Submission Deadline - June 14th, 2024 After the deadline, only posters are allowed to submit
Notification to Authors - June 28th, 2024 Some authors will be notified late due the the high number of submission
Registration Deadline - July 12th, 2024 July 28th, 2024 July 31st, 2024 Due to the late notification, the committee allows more time to the authors to complete the registration
Conference - September 10-12th, 2024