Welcome to the World Conference on Carbon 2025!

Every year, scientists from the academic and industrial worlds dealing with carbon materials gather to exchange views on all aspects of this fascinating element, from the various materials synthesis processes to their applications, including their characterization and understanding of their properties.

After the Americas (Cancun) in 2023 and Asia (Shenzhen) in 2024, the 2025 edition comes back to Europe and is jointly organized by the Société Francophone d’Étude des Carbones (SFEC) and the University of Rennes, on behalf of the European Carbon Association (ECA). We are delighted to bring the carbon community together in the magnificent historic city of Saint-Malo for, much certainly, a very successful edition of this annual conference.

The scientific program and the social events will provide excellent opportunities to share new results, start or expand fruitful collaborations in all the research and development fields of carbon materials. We are looking forward to meeting you in Saint-Malo (Brittany, France) from June 29th to July 4th, 2025.
On behalf of the whole Organizing Committee,

Nathalie Job,
Conference Chair
Chair of the Société Francophone d’Étude des Carbones


1- Carbon & biology, medicine, safety

Therapy, imaging, toxicity, etc.


2- Carbon & environment

Depollution, eco-conception, sustainability, life-cycle analysis, ecotoxicity, sensors, etc.


3- Carbon & electrochemical processes and technologies

Batteries and capacitors, fuel cells, functionalization, electrochemical sensors, etc.


4- Carbon & catalysis

Photocatalysis, CO2   conversion, electrocatalysis, etc.


5- Carbon & electronics

Transistors, field-emission, etc.


6- Innovations in synthesis, processing, characterization, and modelling

3D printing, in situ monitoring, coupled techniques, machine learning, etc.


7- Innovative materials

New carbons, heterocarbons, heteromaterials, MXenes, etc.


8- Carbon for structural applications and thermal management

Fibers and composites, granular carbon, extreme environments, nuclear applications, tribology, etc.


9- Carbon nanoforms

Graphene, nanotubes, fullerenes, carbon blacks, soot, nanodiamonds, nanodots, etc.


10- Kerogens, coals, cokes, graphite, carbonization/graphitization processes


11- sp³ C-rich carbons

Diamond, diamond-like carbon, etc.


12- Perspectives on raw materials sourcing for carbon & graphite and industrial processes



Abstract submission deadline: January 8th, 2025 January 20th,2025

Confirmation of acceptance of abstracts: February 28th, 2025

Early bird payment deadline: March 15th, 2025

Payment deadline for oral confirmation: May 15th, 2025

Poster submission deadline: May 30th, 2025

Conference: June 29th – July 4th , 2025


Prof. Fedor JELEZKO

Prof. Fedor JELEZKO

Ulm University, Germany

Prof. Yan LI

Prof. Yan LI

Peking University, China

Prof. Nigel MARKS

Prof. Nigel MARKS

University of Perth, Australia

Prof. M. Fernando R. PEREIRA

Prof. M. Fernando R. PEREIRA

University of Porto, Portugal

Prof. Patrice SIMON

Prof. Patrice SIMON

Université de Toulouse III, France


Nathalie JOB – University of Liège

Organizing Committee Members

ANIA Conchi - CEMHTI, CNRS, Orléans, France
ARNAULT Jean-Charles - CEA NIMBE, Université Paris Saclay, France
BERTHON-FABRY Sandrine - MINES Paris - PERSEE - Sophia Antipolis, France
BIANCO Alberto - IBMC, Strasbourg, France
BONNAMY Sylvie - ICMN-CNRS-Université d'Orléans, France
BOUSIGE Colin - Lab. Multimatériaux et Interfaces, Lyon, France
CATALDI Michel - ArianeGoup SA, Le Haillan, France
CELZARD Alain - Institut Jean lamour - CNRS, Nancy-Epinal, France
DUCLAUX Laurent - EDYTEM, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, France
GENESTE Florence - Univ Rennes, France
HAPIOT Philippe - ISCR - CNRS-Université de Rennes
JOB Nathalie - Chemical engineering - ULiège, Belgium
LEROUX Yann - Univ Rennes, France
LEYSSALE Jean-Marc - Institute for Molecular Sciences, Univ. Bordeaux, France
MONTHIOUX Marc - CEMES - CNRS, Toulouse, France

G30 committee

ALLARD Bénédicte - Tokai Cobex, France

BESTANI Benaouda - University Abdelhamid Ibn Badis-Mostaganem, Algeria

CHARON Emeline - CEA Saclay, France

CLAUSSE Vincent - Mersen, France

DUBOIS Marc - Université Clermont Auvergne, France

GADIOU Roger - IS2M, Mulhouse, France

GULAS Michal - IMERYS Graphite & Carbon, Switzerland

HÉROLD Claire - Université de Lorraine, France

LARGITTE Lucie - Université des Antilles, France

PUECH Pascal - Université de Toulouse, France

VIGNOLES Gerard - LCTS, U. Bordeaux, France

International Advisory Board

ANDREWS Rodney - University of Kentucky, USA

ARENAL Raul - University of Zaragoza, Spain

BARBARA Paola - Georgetown University, USA

CAZORLA-AMOROS Diego - University of Alicante, Spain

CHEN Yuan - University of Sidney, Australia

CHENG Hui-Ming - Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, China

COASNE Benoît - LIPHY, Université Grenoble Alpes, France

COLAVITA Paula - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

DUNSTAN David - Queen Mary University, UK

ETZOLD Bastian - FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

EWELS Chris - IMN-CNRS Nantes, France

FAROOQ Amjad - PIEAS, Nilore, Pakistan

FLAHAUT Emmanuel - CIRIMAT, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France

FRACKOWIAK Elzbieta - Poznan, Poland

FRACZEK-SZCZYPTA Aneta - Krakow University, Poland

HAENEN Ken - Hasselt University, Belgium

JANOT Raphaël - Université de Picardie, France

KARAHAN Enis - Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

KIM Yoong Ahm - Chonnam National University, South Korea

LÁSZLÓ Krisztina - Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

LÁZARO ELORRI Maria-Jesus - CSIC, Zaragoza, Spain

LEE Young Seak - CNU College of Engineering, South Korea

LIU Chang - Institute of Metal Research Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China

LOEH Marc Oliver - Schunk - Carbon Technology, Heuchelheim, Germany

MANSUROV Zulkhair - Kazakhstan

MATOS Juan - Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Temuco, Chile

MÉNARD-MOYON Cécilia - CNRS, France

MESTRE Ana Sofia - Univ. de Lisboa, Portugal

MEUNIER Vincent - Pennsylvania State University, USA

MORALLON Emilia - University of Alicante, Spain

MORENO Juan Carlos - Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

NEIGHBOUR Gareth - The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK

NISHIHARA Hirotomo - Tohoku University, Japan

NISHINA Yuta - Department of Applied Chemistry, University of Okayama, Japan

OUZILLEAU Philippe - Mc Gill University, Montréal, Canada

OZAKI Jun-Ishi - Gunma University, Japan

PENG Lian-Mao - Peking University, Beijing, China

PIAZZA Fabrice - PUCMM, Dominican Republic


REINERT Laurence - EDYTEM, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, France

RØNNING Magnus - NTNU, Norway

SEVILLA Marta - INCAR, Oviedo, Spain

SHARMA Swati - Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, India

SHENDEROVA Olga - Adamas Nanotechnology, Raleigh, USA

SONEDA Yasushi - AIST, Tsukuba, Japan

STEVENSON Steven - Purdue University,Fort Wayne, USA

TASCON Juan - Spanish Scientific Research Council, Oviedo, Spain

THIES Mark - Clemson University, South Carolina, USA

WYSS Julien - R&D Carbon Ltd., Switzerland

YILMAZ Mustapha - Selcuk University, Turkey

ZHANG Minfang - AIST, Japan

ZHANG Yingying - Tsinghua University, Beijing, China