Hybrid, the new magic formula
First, let’s review the basics. What is a hybrid event? It is an event that combines in-person and virtual audiences. We believe that the hybrid should allow each attendee of your conference to actively participate, whether they are on site or online. At PremC, we did our best to make this participation as smooth as possible, so that everyone can step in and share documents or ask questions, for example. This is the real added value of the hybrid aspect, it is not a simple streaming, but an interactive solution.

Is the future of the conference hybrid?
We don’t have a crystal ball but we’re pretty sure the hybrid will be the future of the conference. With the COVID pandemic, the participants tasted the “advantages” of the virtual. While it is certain that the virtual will never replace real human contact (drinking a beer with a friend would never taste the same via a call), it has some positive points.

We have decided to highlight here three of the main advantages, but there are many more:

  1. Saving time and money

With the hybrid, the choice is yours. You found an attractive conference, but it is located in another country, or even on another continent? You no longer need to take a plane, you will no longer spend 24 hours between Paris and Sidney and spend a fortune on plane tickets. In a world where adaptability has become the new standard, the hybrid is the ideal solution.

  1. Ecological advantage

The hybrid is a response to environmental concerns. Indeed, by avoiding the trip of many guests and speakers, the hybrid allows a significant reduction in carbon emissions. According to a study by the University of Zurich, the researchers’ professional trips triples the carbon emissions of a university. The need to return to a reasonable mode of consumption is now an important part of the university policies. Thus, to meet their objective and considering the ecological impact of in-person conferences, it is not surprising that the hybrid conference is now becoming an environmental necessity. At PremC, we are very pleased to see this happening because environmental concerns are at the heart of the company’s DNA.

  1. Expand your community 

From all the previous points, we can conclude that hybrid conferences also allow you to expand your community. This increases the number of attendees and enriches the quality of your program, which we have observed in the conferences organized at PremC. Indeed, the more participants you count in your conference, the more numerous and diversified the questions and exchanges will be.