Programme Committee

Prof. Krista Varantola

Prof. Krista Varantola

Chair of the programme committee


Pr. Krista Varantola is former Rector and Chancellor of the University of Tampere. She chaired the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK for nine years and serves as an expert on the current Board. She is former Vice Chair of ALLEA and a member of the drafting group that produced the revised edition of the ALLEA Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.

Carole Chapin

Carole Chapin

French Office for Research Integrity - Ofis


Dr Carole Chapin is a project manager at Ofis, responsible for international cooperation, and a board member of ENRIO. She has a PhD in comparative literature from Sorbonne Nouvelle university, France. She has been working for 8 years in the field of higher education and research environment, including human resources strategies and research integrity policies.

Hjördis Czesnick

Hjördis Czesnick

German Research Ombudsman Office


Dr Hjördis Czesnick is the Head of Office of the German Research Ombudsman. With her team, and in close collaboration with the Research Ombudsman committee, she advises researchers in matters of research integrity. Dr. Czesnick studied biology at the Humboldt University Berlin, focusing on microbiology and plant sciences. She then explored the production of biofuels from algae during a research stay at the University of Cambridge, UK. After returning to Germany, she pursued her PhD in plant genetics at the University of Potsdam.

Roger Guérin

Roger Guérin

Sorbonne University


Pr. Roger Guérin is professor of hydrogeophysics at Sorbonne University. He is Sorbonne University’s research integrity officer.

Vidar Enebakk

Vidar Enebakk

Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees


Dr Vidar Enebakk is Director at the National Research Ethics Committee for the Social Sciences and the Humanities (NESH) since 2014. He has a PhD in science studies from 2005, and he has worked as postdoc and researcher in history of science at the University of Oslo. In 2012 he became senior curator at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology. He has co-edited two books on research ethics, and from 2016 to 2018 he was also editor of the Norwegian academic journal Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift.

Pablo Fernandez

Pablo Fernandez

UK Research Integrity Office - UKRIO


Dr Pablo Fernandez is a member of UKRIO Advisory Council. He is a consultant pharmaceutical physician and has headed international clinical research departments for a number of companies. He is a former member and fellow of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine (FPM) of the UK Royal Colleges of Physicians, and of the Medical Experts Network and the Clinical Research Experts Network.

Ghislaine Filliatreau

Ghislaine Filliatreau

Inserm - Institut National de la Santé et de la recherche médicale


Dr Ghislaine Filliatreau is a research director emeritus in biology and delegate for Research Integrity at INSERM (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research). She is a member of the college of deontology and permanent guest of the Inserm ethics committee. INSERM is a founding member of ENRIO and was the first French organisation to join the network in 2008.

Maura Hiney

Maura Hiney

University College Dublin


Dr Maura Hiney is currently Adjunct Professor in the University College Dublin Institute for Discovery, where she is focusing in Research Culture. Most recently, she was Head of International Cooperation, Evaluation and Targeted Programmes at the Health Research Board (Ireland) and has been Head of Research Support Services in an Irish University and qualified as a nurse. Maura has been involved in advancing research integrity (RI) policy for many years, is Treasurer of the World Conference on RI Foundation and Co-chair of the 8th WCRI. She is on the Embassy of Good Science Foundation Board, Chair of the ALLEA Permanent Working Group on Science and Ethics, where she co-authored the European Code of Conduct for RI, and was Vice-Chair of ENRIO until 2022. She sits on several EU Policy and Stakeholder Advisory Boards that conduct research on RI and was a partner in the SOPs4RI project developing a suite of good research practice SOPs for funders and institutions.

Estelle Jaligot

Estelle Jaligot

Cirad - Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement


Dr Estelle Jaligot is a researcher in tropical plant biology at Cirad (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development). She is CIRAD’s research integrity officer. CIRAD is one of the 3 French members of ENRIO in France.

Panagiotis Kavouras

Panagiotis Kavouras

National Technical University of Athens


Dr Panagiotis Kavouras is a senior researcher at the School of Chemical Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens, Greece; he also holds a 20% position as a researcher at the Centre for Medical Ethics, Faculty of Medicine, of the University of Oslo, Norway. He is a Physicist, with an MSc in Materials Science and a PhD in Physics. For several years he has been involved in research on industrial solid waste management and on characterisation of mechanical properties. During the last six years he has focused in research on research integrity, through his participation in several EU-funded projects.

Olivier Le Gall

Olivier Le Gall

INRAE - Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement


Dr Olivier le Gall is a research director at INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment). He is Chair of the Ofis’ Advisory Board.

Erika Löfström

Erika Löfström

Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK


Dr Erika Löfström is Professor of Education at the University of Helsinki. Her research areas include research ethics and integrity and related learning and supervision processes. She teaches research ethics/integrity to graduate students and doctoral candidates. Löfström is currently involved in the H2020-funded project BEYOND BAD APPLES, and previously in VIRT²UE, and ENERI. She has served on several boards, e.g. Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK and Academy of Finland. She is a member of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, and the Chair of the Ethics Expert Board, which advises the Rector of the University of Helsinki on ethical matters.

Helga Nolte

Helga Nolte

Geschäftsstelle für Ombudsangelegenheiten der Universität Hamburg


Helga Nolte is a mediator, coach and advisor in questions of good scientific practice. Since 2005, she has worked in various positions in the field of the German ombudsman system, and is the former head of the Ombudsoffice of the University of Hamburg. Since 2010 she has been working as a trainer and teacher for workshops and lectures on Good Scientific Practice and Research Integrity. She has been a member of ENRIO since 2010, as well as member of the team “ScientificIntegrity” ( since 2011.

Prof. Stéphanie Ruphy

Prof. Stéphanie Ruphy

French Office for Research Integrity - Ofis


Pr Stéphanie Ruphy is the director of Ofis since 2021, after previously being a member of its advisory board (2018 to 2020). She is Professor of Philosophy and Contemporary Sciences in the Department of Philosophy at the Ecole normale supérieure. Trained in philosophy (PhD) in the United States at Columbia University, she also holds a doctorate in astrophysics (Observatoire de Paris/Sorbonne University). She is an elected member of The Academia Europaea (since 2018) and of The European Academy of Sciences (since 2017).

Sanna-Kaisa Spoof

Sanna-Kaisa Spoof

Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK


Dr. Sanna-Kaisa Spoof is the Secretary General for Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK (2010–). She received her PhD in European Ethnology in University of Helsinki. Her previous working experience includes positions as Faculty Head of Research Administration (Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki), Head of Department of Continuing Education (Sibelius Academy), Secretary General (Lahti University Consortium) and Research Associate (University of Helsinki, Department of Cultural Studies). She is the former Chair of ENRIO. She has been both a project manager and a member or chair of steering groups in various EU-funded education end regional projects. She is also a member of the Council of Europe Platform on Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education (ETINED).