Artificial Intelligence International Conference – A2IC 2018
The A2IC conference aims to establish an international forum of reference for the latest advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This first edition aims at joining both academy and industry by covering not only basic and applied research, but also philosophical and ethical issues regarding the future of humanity in an AI world.
The conference will include Workshops and Special Sessions to discuss further and explore in more details some hot topics.
- Search
- Planning
- Machine learning
- Neural networks and deep learning
- Pattern recognition
- Knowledge representation
- Ontologies and Semantic Web
- Reasoning
- Uncertainty in AI
- Fuzzy logic and fuzzy systems
- Knowledge discovery and big data
- Multiagent systems
- Natural language processing
- Robotics
- Computer vision and perception
- Cognitive systems
- Computational creativity
- Bioinformatics
- Biometric authentication
- Ethics in AI
- AI in videogames and game theory
- AI applications in industry and engineering

Prof. Umberto Straccia

Prof. Yoshihiko Nakamura
University of Tokyo, Japan

Prof. Patrick Doherty
University of Linköping, Sweden

Dr. Juan Gómez-Romero
University Of Granada, Spain

Dr. Marco Schorlemmer

Dr. Fernando Alonso-Fernandez
Halmstad University, Sweden

Dr. Jean Fred Fontaine
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

Prof. Petia Radeva
Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Enric Delgado Samper
IBM, Spain

Dr. Lluís Màrquez
Amazon Research, Spain

Dr. Silvia Chiappa
DeepMind, UK

Prof. Daniele Ielmini
Politecnico Di Milano, Italy
All authors with accepted abstract will be able to submit the corresponding full papers for publication in the conference proceedings. More partner Journals will be announced soon.
A Special Issue will be published by the Journal Robotics (MDPI). We are delighted to announce a partnership between the Journal Robotics – MDPI, open access journal, and the 2018 Artificial Intelligence International Conference. Authors who present their work during the Conference are invited to submit the related full paper to form part of a Special Issue of the Journal Robotics. The publication fees will be discounted by 30% for A2IC 2018 participants. Important deadlines More details regarding the submission guidelines will be available here: Guest Editor Prof. Yin-Fu Huang, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
A Special Issue will be published by the Journal Open Computer Science (De Gruyter). We are delighted to announce a partnership between the Journal Open Computer Science – De Gruyter, open access journal, and the 2018 Artificial Intelligence International Conference. Authors who present their work during the Conference are invited to submit the related full paper to form part of a Special Issue. Important deadlines Guest Editor Dr. Alvaro Rubio-Largo, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Spain
A Special Issue will be published by the Journal Neural Computing and Applications (Springer). We are delighted to announce a partnership between the Journal Neural Computing and Applications (Springer, IMPACT FACTOR: 4.213) and the Artificial Intelligence International Conference 2018 (A2IC 2018). The Conference participants are encouraged to submit their paper to form part of a Special Issue in the Journal Neural Computing and Applications. Important deadlines For full details on how to submit your paper to the journal: All papers will be peer-reviewed following the usual review process and criteria of the Journal Neural Computing and Applications Guest Editor Prof. Shing-Tai Pan (National University of Kaohsiung) and Dr. Marcelo G. Armentano (ISITAN Research Institute CONICET-UNICEN)
The journal Robotics (MDPI) is pleased to offer a prize to the best oral presentation of A2IC 2018. The Prize includes:
[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A certificate
[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A € 500 cash prize
The award for the best oral presentation of A2IC 2018 goes to Mr. Charles Peterson, New York University for “Dynamic Ethical Settings: Teaching Moral Compromise in Multi-Agent Human-Machine Decisions”. Congratulations!

Springer is pleased to offer a prize to the best poster of A2IC 2018. The Prize includes:
[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A certificate
[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A € 250 Springer voucher
The award for the best poster presentation of A2IC 2018 goes to Ilya Kamenshchikov, Hochschule Rhein Waal for “Effects of Dataset composition on the training of Generative Adversarial Networks”. Congratulations!

Provide us with your suggestions and ideas regarding how to improve the conference and meet your expectations.