ICREN 2020 Organizing Committee
Phone: +331.
How to attend to the conference?
There are two possible options:
- Presenter: the first step is to submit a paper; if the Scientific Committee accepts it then it is possible for the author to register and proceed with the payment to validate the registration.
- Listener: in this case, it is possible to register directly as a listener without submitting any paper.
Is it possible to submit more than one paper by presenter?
Yes, it is possible to present up to 3 abstracts.
How to submit a paper?
You need to create your account in the online submission platform system first and then click on “Submit a Paper”.
Is it possible to create an account in the online submission platform systemand come back later to submit?
Yes, it is also possible to create an account, start a submission and come back later to update it or finish it: Please note that you would not be able to update your paper anymore once it is completed and under review.
Are there any guidelines concerning the paper?
Yes, a “Guide for Authors” is available at the beginning of each new submission in the online submission platform system. Please read it carefully.
What are the mandatory information for a submission?
Title, paper content, authors (names & contact details), presentation type (oral, poster), related topic(s)
What are the related topics?
There are the conference topics that are the closest to the content of your paper. It is important to choose the accurate related topic(s) because the paper will be sent to the reviewers who are experts in the selected topic(s).
What are the reviewing criteria?
Submissions are reviewed based on:
The Technical Merit: How solid is the presented work? Is the evaluation methodology appropriate? Does the data seem accurate? Are there any fatal flaws in underlying assumptions?
The Readability: How easy is it to understand the submission? Factors that can affect readability include writing style, grammar, spelling, over-use (or under-use in some cases) of equations, inappropriate submission length, or improper font sizes.
The Relevance: How appropriate is this submission for this conference? Sometimes even good submissions are better suited to other locations.
The Originality: Will attendees learn something that they didn’t already know from this submission?
How to be sure that the submission is validated and ready to be reviewed?
The submission is validated and ready to be reviewed once all mandatory information (above mentioned) are filled correctly.
How to know whether a paper is accepted or not?
Once the Scientific Committee has reviewed the paper, the Organizing Committee sends an email to inform the author about the result. If the paper is accepted then the author receives an “Acceptance Letter”.
Is it mandatory to submit the full paper?
No, You can perfectly submit a single-page abstract in our submission system.
Is it possible to attend the conference without submitting any work?
Yes, you can register as listener.
Does the conference organizer provide proof of attendance?
Yes, the conference organizer provides a certificate of participation and an invoice. These documents are usually required by your university / institute to allocate the grants.
What is the difference between both publication opportunities?
- Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences Journal (EDP Sciences): the reviewing is done by the conference committee during the submission of your abstract (that is why we ask for the full paper and the abstract during the submission), the target is to provide the participants with a quick publication process because this should enable us to publish the special issue by January 2021. The cost of the publication is 50€ and it has to be paid during the registration process.
- Energies (MDPI): The reviewing is done by the journal referees so the full paper has to be submitted directly to the journal starting from November 30th. The publication of the final special issue should be done later in 2021 and the publication fees have to be paid to the Journal directly (no additional fees to pay during the conference registration process). Please note that all the conference participants benefit from a 25% discount on the publication fees thanks to this partnership.