Impact factor: 6.290*
Publishing frequency: 100 issues per year
Indexed in Science Citation Index (SCI) and MEDLINE
Chair: Veronique Gouverneur

ChemComm (Chemical Communications) is renowned as the fastest publisher of articles providing information on new avenues of research, drawn from all the world’s major areas of chemical research. ChemComm publishes 100 issues per year, the first chemistry journal to do this, resulting in even faster times to publication and increased visibility. The journal publishes a number of web themed issues on cutting-edge areas of chemical research. From 2011, an Emerging Investigator issue is published on an annual basis. ChemComm is now offering authors the option of double-blind peer review, in addition to single-blind peer review.

Subscription information
Print + online 2018: ISSN 1359-7345
Online only 2018: ISSN 1364-548X

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