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Opening session

Professor Dave Cooper BSc, PhD, CEng, MIMechE, FHEA
Head of Business School/Professor of Management and Economic Development - CPES Project Manager - University of Chichester
Dave Cooper the Programme Director for the CPES Project. In addition to being Head of the Business School, he is director of the University’s Centre for Research in Sustainable Business. He has significant experience of European projects, previously working on the Channel Arch Manche Integration Strategy, (CAMIS). His research focuses on applied business and economic research, strategic consultancy and digital skills. He is interested in innovation and enterprise and the impact on regional regeneration. He has a strong commercial and strategic change management background, which he brings to his research and consulting work. He sits on a number of regional committees promoting regeneration, growth and enterprise and has responsibility for a large regional project promoting business start-up and growth.

Sandrine ROCARD
Director General of the Seine Normandy Water Agency
Sandrine ROCARD, appointed advisor at the Court of Auditors, has then been appointed Director General of the Seine-Normandy Water Agency since June 2021, by the Minister for Ecological Transition.
Sandrine Rocard born in 1972, is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and holds a master’s degree in environmental engineering. She began her career first in the Somme region, managing State department in charge of the environment and water, and then at the level of the Seine-Normandy River Basin. She joined the Ministry of Ecology, where she set up the new Directorate of Economic Studies, before heading the team in charge of air policy and climate change in the Directorate for the Prevention of Pollution and Risk. She then joined the Court of Auditors and was appointed magistrate in 2013.
Sandrine Rocard was deputy director general of the Water Regional Agency, for nearly three years. She has been acting director general since 23 February 2021.
She is the successor of Patricia BLANC, who has been appointed chief of biodiversity advisory to the State Secretary, Berangère ABBA, at the Minister for Ecological Transition.

Estelle Desarnaud
Deputy Director General of Eau de Paris
Chief engineer of the Ecole Ponts, des Eaux et Forêts, she has spent a large part of her career in the field of water. First in the State services (DIREN then DRIEE), at the level of the Seine-Normandy basin and then of the Ile-de-France region, where she was in charge of the territorial implementation of ministerial policies in the field of water.
After a period in the Ile-de-France Road department as head of road operation and management district, she returned to this field as deputy general manager of Eau de Paris, where she is in charge of finance, ecological transition and territorial parnertships.
Outcomes, lessons learned and future prospects for the sustainability of PES schemes for the preservation of water resources

Dr. Sara Hernandez, PhD
Managing Director SARA HERNANDEZ CONSULTING (SHC) - CPES Project Partner
Sara Hernandez, PhD in environmental economics. She has 25 years of expertise in areas related to the economics of biodiversity, water resources and ecological services. She has acquired a solid experience in economic and environmental valuation, environmental impact assessment, behavioural economics associated with environmental issues and circular economy. She has strong experience in the design and implementation of market-based instruments and innovative financing mechanisms. In particular, it has developed and implemented so-called “payments for environmental services” mechanisms in Latin and Central America (Colombia, Haiti) and in France (Brittany and Normandy). The latter are developed in the framework of a European Interreg CPES (Channel Payments for Environmental Services) project.
She has also acted as a technical advisor to decision-makers in governments, local authorities and the private sector in different institutional and cultural contexts. She has managed projects commissioned by the World Bank, the European Union and the Convention on Biological Diversity. She conducts work in the economics of land degradation. Sara was an Editor Review of the IPBES (Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) global report on the sustainable use of wildlife.
Sara Hernandez founded her own consultancy in 2016. SARA HERNANDEZ CONSULTING (SHC) is an independent consulting and R&D firm in the transition of economic and organisational models towards green growth. SHC also offers professional training for water managers and agricultural organisations on “payments for environmental services” for the protection of water resources.

Dr. Laurence Couldrick
Chief Executive - Westcountry Rivers Trust
Dr Laurence Couldrick is CEO of the Westcountry Rivers Trust and has been pioneering catchment management for 19 years. Over that time he has developed several multi-million pound projects and long term funding streams to deliver improvements across multiple catchments including developing Payments for Ecosystem Service schemes for water quality, flood risk and carbon offsetting. Alongside this he has pushed to explain the complex problems society faces as a way of uniting the myriad of partnerships and interest groups.
Workshop 1: The place of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) in the new Common Agricultural Policy

Marie-Laure Metayer
Deputy Director of Water and Biodiversity. Ministry of Ecological Transition
Deputy to the Director of Water and Biodiversity in the Directorate General for Housing and Nature at the Ministry of Ecological Transition (MTE) (since September 2020). She is a general inspector of veterinary public health in the Directorate for Water and Biodiversity (DEB). The DEB is in charge of designing, implementing and evaluating policies on water, natural areas and terrestrial and maritime biodiversity.
This department has specific responsibilities in the implementation of European regulations such as the Water Framework Directive, the Nitrates Directive, the Directive on the sustainable use of plant protection products, the Natura 2000 directives, or at the national level, the Ecophyto, Micropollutant, Biodiversity, Invasive Alien Species Control, Protected Areas Strategy plans, etc. the water and biodiversity department relies on operators such as the French office for biodiversity, 6 water agencies, national parks and the coastal conservatory to implement its policies in the territories.

Thierry Burlot
Former Vice President of the Regional Council of Brittany in charge of the environment and biodiversity
He was President of the Community of Lanvollon-Plouha Communes for 19 years and Vice President of the Regional Council of Brittany in charge of environmental and water issues.
He is currently President of the Loire-Bretagne Basin Committee. Because of his numerous functions, he has the ambition to bring together the interests of the private and agricultural sectors towards the preservation of water, biodiversity and the climate.

Laurent René
Regional Referent for Agroecology and Payments for Environmental Services at the Adour-Garonne Water Agency
After almost 8 years of leading the agricultural policy of the Adour-Garonne Water Agency throughout the South-West, he wanted to get closer to regional projects to accelerate the ecological transition of agriculture, the valorization of low-impact production, and water management.
He was acting as a PES project manager: Design and implementation of the Adour-Garonne experimental PES scheme: 384 PES in 2019 for 2.4 M€ and 856 PES for 6.5 M€ in 2020 in order to recognize the services provided by mixed farming,
Workshop 2 : Legal and financial issues for the sustainability of PES

Gérard Gruau
Expert in issues related to impact assessment of diffuse pollution from agricultural sector on water quality as well as to the effects of biogeochemical cycles of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus on agricultural practices and climate change.
Author or co-author of 120 international scientific publications. Leader or co-leader of more than 25 projects, including three European ones. Director or co-director of 25 theses.
President of the GIS “Centre de Ressources et d’Expertise Scientifique sur l’Eau en Brittany” (CRESEB). Member of the “Haut Conseil Breton pour le Climat” (HCBC). Responsible, for the CNRS, of the INTERREG project “Chanel Payment for Ecosystem Services”, more specifically in charge of the Lac au Duc case study.

Sophie Paulmier-Enizan
Financial Engineering Project Manager in the Field of Water and Biodiversity - Brittany Region (Green Fund)
Sophie PAULMIER-ENIZANC, Project manager in financial engineering in the field of transitions Brittany Region
Graduated from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in “Economy of the environment and natural resources.”
Project manager in financial engineering in the field of transitions and more specifically in the field of water and biodiversity within the Climate, Environment, Water and Biodiversity Department (DCEEB) of the Brittany Region. Piloted legal and financial studies on the implementation of a “Breton Green Fund”.
Responsible for the negotiation, installation and launch of the Breton Foundation for the preservation of the environment BREIZH BIODIV.
Launching of a mobilization process for stakeholders (financiers and project leaders) and administrative and technical management of the BREIZH BIODIV Foundation.
In charge of implementing a green budgeting approach at the regional level in conjunction with the Institute of Economics for Climate (I4CE), Regions of France and the OECD.

Olivia Amozig-Bellot
Director of the Paris Seine Ouest Region - SUEZ ‐ Eau France
Olivia Amozig-Bellot is Director of the Paris Seine Ouest region (water and wastewater services in the Hauts-de-Seine, Yvelines, Val d’Oise and Eure) since 2019.
A graduate of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris and the Ecole Nationale d’Administration, she had responsibilities at the Ministry of the Economy and of Economy and Finance about State allocations to local authorities. She then acted as technical advisor at the cabinet of the Minister of Transport on economic and budgetary issues. From 2008 to 2019, she held several positions of management and development of transport sector at the Thales group, in particular as Vice President of Grand Paris.

Daniel Caugant
Head of Agricultural Market Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne - ARKEA
Daniel Caugant has been responsible for the agricultural market at Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne since 1989, with an agricultural background. He is a portfolio manager for agricultural customers.
He is also a Local Bank Manager, responsible for the agricultural market at Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne and the agricultural coordinator of the Crédit Mutuel ARKEA structure (Brittany and New Aquitaine).
Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne represents 10,000 agricultural customers who hold assets in Brittany, €500 million in credit production and 40% of young farmers installed by Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne. 1.7 billion in outstanding loans and represents 29% of the market.

Gilles Baraize
Epiterre Project Manager - FNSEA
A lawyer, he holds a master’s degree in public law, specializing in environmental law, from the University of Nantes in 2004. At the same time, he acquired expertise in rural law and urban planning with the Loire-Atlantique Chamber of Agriculture, the Midi-Pyrénées DREAL, and then with the company IMA Technologies.
Gilles joined the FNSEA network (National Federation of Farmers’ Unions) 11 years ago, first serving at the regional level at the department of Eure-et-Loir, then at the national level, for the last 4 years in Paris.
After three years as an environmental lawyer and biodiversity manager, Gilles Baraize is now the Epiterre project manager at the FNSEA. For more than a year, Gilles’ objective has been to the development of contracts related to environmental services throughout the country among private and public stakeholders.
Closing of the seminar

Jean-Charles Sentier
Vice President of the SMGBO (Syndicat Mixte du Grand Bassin de l'Oust)
1990 – 2000 : Technical advisor in Crop Production at EUREDEN DAUCY
2020 : Farmers in polyculture- breeding in GAEC FRERE SOEUR
2018 to today Mayor of Taupont
2021 : Vice President of SMGBO (Syndicat Mixte du Grand Bassin de l’Oust)
2021 : Vice President of Ploërmel community
2021 : President of the syndicat d’eau Potable de Brocéliande

Patrick Latouche
Executive Director of the Syndicat Mixte du Grand Bassin de l'Oust

Fabien Artaud
Vice-President of the resource protection - SERPN (Syndicat d'eau du Roumois et du plateau du Neubourg)