PremC is a professional organizer of scientific conferences that offers a respectful, safe and inclusive environment to all participants, regardless of gender, physical appearance, disability, ethnic origin, age, religion, sexual orientation or any other category protected by applicable law. All participants, including speakers, exhibitors and staff, are expected to conduct themselves with integrity and respect for other participants present or involved in the web conference.
If participants are given credentials to access the online conference then these credentials are not transferable.
The sessions during the conference will be chaired by one or more moderators. Speakers are expected to respect the choices of the session moderator(s) in the selection of questions or comments, the management of session times, etc.
Everyone is expected to respect the privacy of other participants and to refrain from unauthorised or unwanted recording or photography, including the recording of any direct or indirect interaction or electronic messages with other delegates at the meeting. Participants are not allowed to take photographs or videos of the presentations, unless they have obtained prior consent from the author and the organiser.
All communication, whether verbal or electronic, must be done in a respectful manner. Inappropriate messages or contacts will not be tolerated.
The Organising Committee reserves the right to take any action it deems necessary following a breach of this Code of Conduct. This includes reporting to host institutions and permanent removal of all our online conferences. In the event of a breach of the Code of Conduct, the persons concerned may contact the Organising Committee at