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Code of conduct
PremC is a Professional Conference Organizer in scientific conventions that provides a respectful, safe and inclusive environment for all participants, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, appearance, ethnicity, race, national origin, age, religion, or any other protected categories under applicable law. All participants, including speakers, exhibitors, and staff are expected to behave with integrity and respect towards other participants attending or anyone involved with the online conference.
If participants are provided with personalized credentials allowing them access to the online conference, these credentials are personal and non-transferable.
Live sessions during the conference will be moderated. Speakers are expected to respect the choices of the moderator in selecting questions or comments, managing session times, etc..
Participants are required to respect the privacy of other participants and refrain from any unauthorized or unwelcomed recording or photography, including the recording of any direct or indirect interactions or electronic messaging with other meeting delegates. Participants are not allowed to take photos or videos unless express prior written consents by the presenter and the organizer have been ascertained.
All communication, be it verbal or electronic, must be carried out in a respectful and polite manner. Inappropriate messaging or contact will not be tolerated.
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to take any action as deemed necessary as a consequence of any breach of the present Code of Conduct. This includes reporting to host institutions and the permanent removal of any of the future online conferences. In case of a breach of the Code of Conduct, the concerned individuals are requested to contact the Organizing Committee at info@premc.org.