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Working documents
EP/MED WG.498/1
Provisional Agenda
EP/MED WG.498/2/Rev.1
Provisional Annotated Agenda
EP/MED WG.498/3
Revised Guidelines for the Conduct of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
EP/MED WG.498/4
Amended Annexes to the Offshore Protocol
Progress on the Implementation of the Mediterranean Offshore Action Plan
EP/MED WG.498/5
Progress on the Implementation of the Mediterranean Offshore Action Plan (Corrigendum)
EP/MED WG.498/6
Comprehensive Plan of Actions, including resource mobilization strategy
EP/MED WG.498/7
Initial draft conclusions and recommendations
Information documents
EP/MED WG.498/Inf.1/Rev.1
Provisional List of Documents
EP/MED WG.498/Inf.3
Report of the Second Meeting of the Barcelona Convention Offshore Oil and Gas Group (OFOG) Sub-Group on Environmental Impact
Study on trends and outlook of marine pollution from ships and activities and of maritime traffic and offshore activities in the Mediterranean (English only)