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Documents de travail
Ordre du jour provisoire
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Liste des documents
Décision IG.24/8 sur la Feuille de route pour une proposition de désignation éventuelle de la mer Méditerranée dans son ensemble en tant que zone de contrôle des émissions d’oxydes de soufre en vertu de l’Annexe VI de MARPOL, dans le cadre de la Convention de Barcelone
Submission by REMPEC to the 76th session of the IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) (English only)
Report of the further work of the SOX ECA(s) Technical Committee of Experts (English only)
Terms of Reference for the completion of the knowledge gathering and the preparations of further studies as well as the finalisation of the draft submission to the IMO (English only)
Final report on the completion of the knowledge gathering and the finalisation of the draft submission to the IMO (English only)
Final report on the completion of the knowledge gathering related to land-based emissions control measures of SOX and PM in the Mediterranean coastal States (English only)
Final report on the carrying out of the further study related to the additional analyses of fuel supply and alternative compliance methods (English only)
Final report on the completion of the knowledge gathering and the carrying out of the further study related to the additional economic impact evaluation (English only)
Finalised draft submission to the IMO (English only)