11th meeting
Schedule overview (CET)
- 8.50 - 9.05
- 9:05-9:15
- 9:15-10:00
- 10:00-10:45
- 10:45-11:00
- 11:00-11:45
- 11:45-12:30
- 12:30-13:00
- 13:00-13:15
Monday 20 December 2021
- Welcome of participants
- Presentation of the agenda: with focus on members presenting factsheets : Jérémie Fosse - Fact sheet 5 & 35 ; Yasmine Seghirate - Factsheet 29 ; Céline Dubreuil & Eloïse Faure - Factsheet 36
Khadidja AMINE - Fact Sheet 5: Financing of development in the Mediterranean by public and private actors - What place for “Green” Finance?
Presentation by J. Fosse followed by discussion with the group - Fact Sheet 35: Environmental mainstreaming into Public Policy (North & South)
Presentation by J. Fosse followed by discussion with the group - Break
- Fact Sheet 29: The status and role of women in families, the economy, society and the environment (with a view to changing family structures)
Presentation by Y. Seghirate followed by discussion with the group - Fact Sheet 36: Water resource management
Presentation by E. Faure & C. Dubreuil followed by discussion with the group - Review and outlook / 2022 work plan
Khadidja AMINE - Summary of the meeting, next steps and closure of the meeting
Khadidja AMINE
10th meeting
Schedule overview (CET)
- 8.50 - 9.05
- 9:05-9:20
- 9:20-10:05
- 10:05-10:50
- 10:50-11:05
- 11:05-11:50
- 11:50-12:30
- 12:30-14:00
- 14:00-16:00
- 16:00-16:15
Thursday 18 November 2021
- Welcome of participants
- Presentation of the agenda: with focus on new member(s) (Pierre Bréchon - Fact sheet 27)
François Guerquin - Fact Sheet 24: Maritime transport and ports in the Mediterranean and international trade
Presentation by L. Tode followed by discussion with the group - Fact Sheet 29: The status and role of women in families, the economy, society and the environment (with a view to changing family structures)
Presentation by Y. Seghirate followed by discussion with the group - Coffee Break
- Fact Sheet 36: Water resource management
Presentation by C. Dubreuil followed by discussion with the group - Point d’avancement sur le module 2
Khadidja AMINE followed by discussion with the group - Lunch Break
- Presentation by Jean-François Daguzan of his article “The Mediterranean 2050,thoughts on a land in ruins” followed by a debate with the group members.
- Summary and closure of the day’s meeting
Schedule overview (CET)
- 9:15 - 9:30
- 9:30-10:15
- 10:15-11:00
- 11:00-11:15
- 11:15-12:00
- 12:00-12:15
Friday 19 November 2021
- Welcome of participants and presentation of the day agenda
François Guerquin - Fact Sheet 19 : The energy transition in the Mediterranean - from production to use
Presentation by H. Allal followed by discussion with the group - Fact Sheet 27 : Changing values systems, cultural representations and religiosity
Presentation by P. Bréchon followed by discussion with the group - Coffee Break
- Fact Sheet 9 : Urban transition in the North and South and its consequences on the environment: growth of cities, rural-urban balance, impacts on waste, land consumption, pollution and resources - water, etc...
Presentation by M. Baduel followed by discussion with the group - Summary of the day, next steps and closure of the meeting
François Guerquin
8th meeting
Schedule overview (CEST)
- 8.50 - 9.05
- 9:05-9:20
- 9:20-10:05
- 10:05-10:50
- 10:50-11:05
- 11:05-11:50
- 11:50-12:30
- 12:30-13:30
- 13:30-14:15
- 14:15-15:00
- 15:00-15:15
- 15:15-15h45
- 15:45-16:15
- 16:15-16:45
- 16:45-17:00
Tuesday 28th September
- Welcome of participants
- : Update on overall progress of Med2050 with focus on the timeline and sharing of the Fact Sheets
François Guerquin - Fact Sheet 8: Migration dynamics and policies
Presentation by A. Parant followed by discussion with the group - Fact Sheet 38: Observation, monitoring and warning systems in the Mediterranean region
Presentation by A. Lafitte followed by discussion with the group - Coffee Break
- Fact Sheet 30: Social changes and lifestyle. Changes in production and consumption patterns (merged with Fact Sheet n° 22: New production and consumption models that are more environmentally friendly or based on nature and their impacts. Green Economy prospects)
presentation by M. Outers followed by discussion with the group - Fact Sheet 3: Geopolitics of the Mediterrranean, traditional and new "entrants" (States - like China, public or private actors, NGOs, etc.) - (merged with Fact Sheet n°37 : Global security in the Mediterranean (defense, military tensions, terrorism...)
Presentation by N. Mazzucchi followed by discussion with the group - Lunch Break
- Presentation of additional Fact Sheet (to be confirmed)
Fact Sheet n° 2 : The Mediterranean identity, between change and fragmentation
Fact Sheet n° 21 : Knowledge society, innovation and new technologies (digital, etc.) : good opportunity or not for the economy and the environment in the Mediterranean
Plan Bleu Team - Discussion with the members of the Group on the state of play for the following Fact Sheets :
Fact Sheet n° 5 : Financing of development in the Mediterranean by public and private actors : what place for “green” finance ?
Fact Sheet n° 26 : Inequalities, poverty, changes in social mobility, informal economy and solidarity systems : towards a widening of social divides ?
Fact Sheet n° 27 : Changing value systems, cultural representations and religious practices
Fact Sheet n° 31 : Democracy, participation and emancipation of civil society
Fact Sheet n° 33 : Multi-stakeholder and multi-scale governance : States, territories, civil society, economic actors, scientists (to be merged with 31 ?) - Coffee Break
- Inception phase of Module 2 - Contrasting visions : Survey on visions of the Mediterranean region and Sea future by 2050 targeting 15 personalities
Review of personalities to be interviewed (confirmed / to be confirmed / identified gap on the diversity of interviewees
Presentation by Lina / Khadidja, followed by discussion with the group - Inception phase of Module 2 - Contrasting visions : Large scale survey on visions of the Mediterranean region and Sea future by 2050
Update on the questionnaire and its dissemination
Presentation by Lina / Khadidja, followed by discussion with the group - Module 3 - Designing scenarios
Presentation by D. Lacroix / J. Theys followed by discussion with the group - Summary of the day, next steps and closure of the meeting
François Guerquin
7th meeting
Schedule overview (CEST)
- 8.50 - 9.05
- 9:05-9:20
- 9:20-10:05
- 10:05-10:50
- 10:50-11:05
- 11:05-11:50
- 11:50-12:30
- 12:30-13:45
- 13:45-14:30
- 14:30-15:15
- 15:15-15:30
- 15:30-16h15
- 16:15-17:00
Wednesday 7th July
- Welcome of participants
- : Update on overall progress of Med2050 with focus on the timeline and sharing of the Fact Sheets
Jacques Theys and François Guerquin - Fact Sheet 3: Geopolitics of the Mediterranean, traditional and new “entrants” (States – like China, public or private actors, NGOs, etc.)
Y. Slaoui - Fact Sheet 4: The place of the Mediterranean in European policies and the Green Deal
S. Tsani & F. Boero - Coffee Break
- Fact Sheet 15: Exploitation and ownership of the marine resources of the Mediterranean (exploitation of gas, deep mineral resources, renewable energies, etc.). The consequences of the offshore expansion
S. Tsani - Fact Sheet 19: The energy transition in the Mediterranean – from production to use
H. Ben Jannet - Lunch Break
- Fact Sheet 21: Knowledge society, innovation and new technologies (digital, etc.):good opportunity or not for the economy and the environment in the Mediterranean?
B. Rahmouni - Fact Sheet 26: Inequalities, poverty, changes in social mobility, the informal economy and solidarity systems: towards a widening of social divides?(
B.Rahmouni - Coffee Break
- Fact Sheet 28: The place of young people in society and relations between generations. Youth employment and taking care of seniors
K. Ben Charfi - Fact Sheet 32: The prevention of major risks (climate, health, etc.) and crisis situations: between anticipation, public action and collective resilience
M. Negev and A. Dolez
Schedule overview (CEST)
- 8.50 - 9.05
- 9:05-9:50
- 9:50-10:35
- 10:35-10:50
- 10:50-11:35
- 11:35-12:30
- 12:30-14:00
- 14:00-15:00
Tuesday 8th July
- Welcome of participants
- Fact Sheet 34 : Changes in environmental awareness, the role of the media, training
L. Lazaro - Fact Sheet 25: Tourism (and tourist mobility) prospects and their impacts on the environment and coastal or regional economies
I. Spilanis - Coffee Break
- Mainstreaming into Public Policy (North and South)
A. Kraemer - review of unfinished Factsheets for which views of the Foresight Group are expected: 5 (Financing for Development), 27, 30, 31
S. Tsani - Lunch Break
- Workplan second semester 2021
6th meeting
Schedule overview (CEST)
- 8:50
- 9:05-9:20
- 9:20-9:55
- 9:55-10:30
- 10:30-11:00
- 11:00-11:15
- 11h15-11:50
- 11:50-12:25
- 12:25-14:00
- 14:00-14:35
- 14:35-15:30
- 15:30-15h45
- 15:45-16:45
- 16:45-17:00
Wednesday 9th June
- Welcome of participants
- : Reminder on the role, content, issues and timeline of the Fact Sheets and progress of work
Jacques Theys and François Guerquin - Fact Sheet 13: The evolution of greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation policies. Regional differences in emission trends and leverage for action
Emanuela Menichetti - Fact Sheet 1. Major trends in the global context up to 2050 (“megatrends”) and their consequences on the Mediterranean
Jacques Theys - Fact Sheet 16. The future of fisheries and aquaculture; its impacts (ecological, social ...)
Denis Lacroix - Coffee Break
- Fact Sheet 31: Democracy, participation, and emancipation of civil society Opportunities and barriers to the blue economy
M.Scoullos - Fact Sheet 17: The evolution of “living” resources and terrestrial natural heritages: forests, wetlands, animal and plant biodiversity
Catherine Numa - Lunch Break
- FFact Sheet 10: The concentration of activities on the coast: trends, conflicts on the use of space, impacts on the environment and the sea, risks
Antoine Lafitte - Looking forward: roadmap for finalization of Module 1
Lina Tode and François Guerquin - Coffee Break
- Looking forward: roadmap for Module 2
Jacques Theys and Denis Lacroix - Summary of the day, next steps and closure of the meeting
5th meeting
Schedule overview (CEST)
- 8:50
- 9:05
- 9:15-9:20
- 9:20-9:30
- 9:30-10:15
- 10:15-11:00
- 11:00-11h15
- 11:15-12:00
- 12:00-14:00
- 14:00-14:45
- 14:45-15:30
- 15:30-15h45
- 15:45-16:45
- 16:45-17:00
Wednesday 28th April
- Welcome of participants
- - Introductory remarks to the meeting
Mrs. Tatjana Hema, Deputy Coordinator of the Mediterranean Action Plan, UNEP/MAP - Agenda of the meeting
- Reminder on the role, content, issues and timeline of the Fact Sheets and progress of work
Jacques Theys and Arnaud Comolet - Fact Sheet 18: The Water-Soil-Agriculture-Food-Environment Nexus
Pascal Bergeret and Omar Bessaoud - Fact Sheet 9: The Urban transition in the North and South
Najet Aroua - Coffee Break
- Fact Sheet 23: Opportunities and barriers to the blue economy
Denis Lacroix and Christophe Le Visage - Lunch Break
- Fact sheet 6: The international governance of the marine environment in the Mediterranean
Mar Otero, and Francois Simard, IUCN - Fact Sheet 22: New production and consumption models
Magali Outters, SCP/RAC - Coffee Break
- Implementation difficulties of Fact Sheets
- Summary of the day, next steps and closure of the meeting
4th meeting
Schedule overview (CET)
- 8:50
- 9:05
- 9:30-11:15
- 9:30
- 10:00
- 11:00
- 11:15-12:30
- 11:15
- 11:45
- 12:30
- 14:00-15:15
- 14:00
- 14:30
- 14:45
- 15:15-16:45
- 15:15
- 15:45
- 16:00
- 16:45-17:00
Wednesday 17th March
- Welcome of participants
- - Introduction of the new members of the Foresight Group
- Review of the results of the previous phases of the work. Update on the programme implementation.
- Presentation of the Agenda of the meeting. - Session I – Qualification of Disruptions - Results of the Questionnaire
- Presentation of the results of the questionnaire on the qualification of disruptions
- Discussion with the Members of the Group
- Coffee Break
- Session II – The European Environment Agency Megatrends Approachs
- Presentation of the EEA Megatrends approach and its application in the Balkans
- Discussion with the members of the Group
- Lunch Break
- Session III – Fact Sheets – Progress to date
- Fact Sheets – Progress to date and next steps
- The Fact Sheets, the SDGs and Indicators of the Mediterranean Strategy on Sustainable Development (MSSD)
- Discussion with the Members of the Group
- Session IV – The MED 2050 Time frame and Next Steps
- Presentation of the MED 2050 Time frame (2021-2023) and Next Steps in the implementation of the programme
- Coffee Break
- Discussion with the Members of the Group
- Summary of the day, next steps and closure of the meeting
3rd meeting
Schedule overview (CET)
- 8:50 AM
- 9:05 AM
- 9:30 AM
- 10 AM
- 10:15 AM
- 10:30 AM
- 11 AM
- 11:15 AM
- 12 PM
- 12:30 PM
- 1:30 PM
- 2 PM
- 2:30 PM
- 2:45 PM
- 3:30 PM
- 3:45 PM
- 4 PM
- 4:45 PM
Thursday 28th January
- Welcome of participants
- Introduction
- Session I - MED 2050: The Methodological Framework
- Presentation of the Methodological Framework
Jacques Theys and Denis Lacroix - The MED System, External Forces and SDGs
Ioannis Spilanis - Discussion with the Members of the Group on the Methodological Framework
- Session II - MED 2050: The Disruptions
- Presentation of the list of Disruptions
- Coffee Break
- Discussion with the members of the Group on Disruptions
- Session III - MED 2050: The Sheets on Variables (First Part)
- Presentation of the approach and methodological issues related to Sheet n° 7 "The major demographic, northern, southern and eastern changes and their consequences on the economy or the environment"
Alain Parant - Lunch Break
- Session IV - MED 2050: The Weak Signals
- Presentation of the list of Weak Signals
- Discussion with the Members of the Group on Weak Signals
- Session III (Second Part)- MED 2050: The Sheets on Variables
- Presentation of the approach for Sheet n° 14 "The transformations of the Mediterranean ecosystem and its impacts on marine biodiversity. The evolution of pressures (pollution, etc.) and protections "
Samir Grimes & Ferdinando Boero - Sheets on Variables - The State of Progress
- Coffee Break
- Linking the Indicators of the Mediterranean Strategy on Sustainable Development (MSSD) and the MED 2050 Sheets on Variables
Antoine Lafitte (Plan bleu) - Discussion with the members of the Group on the state of play and timetable for the completion of the Sheets on variables
- Summary of the day, next steps and closure of the meeting
2nd meeting
Schedule overview (CET)
- 8:50 AM
- 9:10 AM
- 9:30 AM
- 10:00 AM
- 10:30 AM
- 10:45 AM
- 11:45 AM
- 12:00 PM
- 1:30 PM
- 2 PM
- 2:30 PM
- 3:30 PM
- 3:45 PM
- 4 PM
- 4:45 PM
Wednesday, December 2nd
- Welcome of participants
- Introduction
- Presentation of the new Members of the Foresight Group
- Review of previous work - Methodology, results, comments, ambitions and limitations of the exercise, next steps
- Session I - Comments received regarding the list of trends
- Discussion with the members of the Group
- Comments by some members of the Group
- Session II - Presentation of Questionnaire n°2 (Part 1)
- Part 1 of the questionnaire. Elements of consensus/dissensus on trends - Presentation of the responses to the Questionnaire
- Break
- Part 1 of Questionnaire (cont.). Discussion with the members of the Group
- Conclusion on part 1 of the Questionnaire and the morning session
- Lunch Break
- Food for thought - Role and effectiveness of foresight exercises
- Presentation of a comparative study: "Environment and development in the Mediterranean – Projections in 2005 vs Current state"
- Discussion with the members of the Group
- Session III - Presentation of the results of Questionnaire n°2 (Part 2)
- Part 2 of the Questionnaire: Weighting of trends - Presentation of the responses to the Questionnaire
- Discussion with the members of the Group
- Break
- Discussion with the members of the Group and conclusion on part 2 of the Questionnaire
- Session IV - Proposition of Summary Sheets on variables
- Proposed format for the Summary Sheets on variables
- Proposed list of macro-variables to be analyzed
- Feasibility of Summary Sheets on variables and call for volunteer writers
- Discussion with the members of the Group
- Summary of the day, next steps and closure of the meeting
1st meeting
Schedule overview (CEST)
- 9:00 AM
- 9:15 AM
- 9:30 AM
- 9:45 AM
- 10:15 AM
- 10:30 AM
- 10:45 AM
- 11:00 AM
- 11:10 AM
- 11:30 AM
- 12:00 PM
- 2:00 PM
- 4:00 PM
- 4:15 PM
- 4:50 PM
Tuesday, October 13th
- Virtual welcome coffee - Connection and presentation of participants
- Session I
Presentations of Plan Bleu, « MED 2050 » programme and work achievements in the framework of Module 1 - Presentation of Plan Bleu and the UN Action Plan for the Mediterranean
François Guerquin - Reminder of the key objectives of the Programme « MED 2050 »
Jacques Theys - Presentation of work achievements and ongoing work in the framework of Module 1 of « MED 2050 »
Lina Tode, Anna Goubert - Objectives and agenda of the meeting
Arnaud Comolet - Break
- Session II
Long Term Trends - Definition of « Long Term Trends »
- Presentation of the results of the questionnaire sent to the members of the Foresight Group
- First comments of participants on the Long Term Trends
- Lunch Break
- Continuation of discussions on Long Term Trends and additional inputs with regard to the systemic framework
- Break
- Summary of discussions on Long Term Trends
- Introduction to the session of 14 October
Schedule overview (CEST)
- 9:00 AM
- 9:15 AM
- 9:25 AM
- 9:40 AM
- 10:00 AM
- 10:30 AM
- 10:45 AM
- 11:30 AM
- 12:00 PM
- 2:00 PM
- 2:20 PM
- 3:30 PM
- 3:45 PM
- 4:20 PM
- 4:45 PM
Wednesday, October 14th
- Virtual welcome coffee - Connection of participants
- Session III
Disruptions and Weak Signals - Summary of the results of the first day of the meeting and agenda of the second day
- Definition of « Disruptions and Weak Signals »
- Presentation of the results of the questionnaire sent to the members of the Foresight Group
- First comments of participants on Disruptions and Weak Signals
- Break
- Follow-up of discussion on Disruptions and Weak Signals
- Summary of discussion on Disruptions and Weak Signals
- Lunch Break
- Session IV
Summary and next steps for « MED 2050 » - Presentation of a preliminary analysis of the sessions on « Long Term Trends » and « Disruptions and Weak Signals »
- Structuration and characterization of Long Term Trends, Disruptions and Weak Signals
- Break
- Continuation of discussions on the structuration and characterization of Long Term Trends, Disruptions and Weak Signals
- Next Steps for MED 2050, « Factsheets: Analysis and Outlook »
- Summary of the meeting and closing