Welcome to the MED 2050 Foresight Group Online Meetings Dashboard
In this dashboard you will find:
MED 2050 is:
An INNOVATIVE and PARTICIPATORY project (2018-2022)
A FORESIGHT exercise
A tool for North-South DIALOGUE, aiming at confronting several visions of the future of the Mediterranean by 2050 (with an intermediate horizon at 2030) and CO-CONSTRUCTING TRANSITION PATHS towards sustainable development.
You can follow this link to access the trombinoscope of the Group’s members
The plenary consultation will start on December 20th at 9:00 AM (CET, Central European Time)
You should receive an email with the password to access the conference rooms, please check your SPAM folder if needed.
Everything You Need In One Place
You will find below some useful information related to the program, the documents, and the participation process

Process of participation
Find here instructions and best practices to prepare for the conference.

Code of conduct
Please respect the other participants and the confidentiality of your colleagues’ work.

By using this platform, you are agreeing to the event code of conduct.
The Organizing Committee is not responsible for the quality of the internet connection of any of the speakers and of the attendees.