Welcome to the Dashboard of SDSV Doctoral School Day
The day of the Doctoral School « Structure and Dynamics of Living Systems » is organized every year in March.
This particular day is structured as a workshop, with regular lectures, posters, and a final presentation on a specific topic. This year, this last talk will be given by Ludovic ORLANDO on “Ancient DNA”
Due to the health situation, this event was canceled in 2020. This year, while the situation still does not allow us to plan this event with all of you in the same auditorium, we want to preserve this annual meeting. To this end, we will use the ZOOM platform.
Practically, regular talks will be maintained and poster presentations will take the form of short 3-minute presentations.
As every year, the prizes for the best communications and best posters will be awarded and sent to the winners.
We also remind you that the final conference is opened to all of you as well as your supervisors.
See you on March 23, 2021
This dashboard has been built with the target of duplicating the same environment as an in-person conference, you will find below the usual conference areas: welcome desk, conference rooms…
Each participant will be able to join the area she/he is interested in by simply clicking on the corresponding button.
It is very important to keep a maximum of human interactions, that is why a welcome desk room where you can talk with a staff member is available to help you.
If you encounter any technical issue to connect to the welcome desk room then use the chat room, it should appear on the bottom right corner of this page during the conference days.
The conference will start on Tuesday 23th of March at 9:00 A.M
All secure rooms are accessible with a password that has been sent to you via e-mail by Journee-ED-SDSV@premc.org. Please check your SPAM folder if you have not received it.
A welcome desk is also available below if needed.
Everything You Need In One Place
You will find below some useful documents related to the program and the participation process

Conference program
Consult the program and identify the different sessions.

Code of conduct
Please be respectful with other participants and the confidentiality of your colleague’s work.

Process of participation
Find here instructions and best practices to prepare your conference.
By using this platform, you agree to the terms of the event code of conduct.
The organizing committee is not responsible for the quality of the Internet connection of speakers and participants.