From June 20th to 22nd, 2025

Master Classes

Prof. Alex van Herk, TU/e Eindhoven – Polymer reaction engineering – determination of reactivity ratios and controlling composition in emulsion copolymerization
Prof. Em. Mohamed El-Aasser, Lehigh University – The history of the International Polymer Colloids Group (IPCG) / Synthesis of monodisperse latex particles and their applications
Dr. Muriel Lansalot, CPE Lyon: Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly (PISA)
Dr. Samantha Molina Gutiérrez, Synthomer – Synthesis and application of polymer colloids with bio-based content from industrial perspective

Prof. Alex van Herk

Prof. Alex van Herk

Prof. Em. Mohamed El-Aasser

Prof. Em. Mohamed El-Aasser

Dr. Muriel Lansalot

Dr. Muriel Lansalot

Dr. Samantha Molina Gutiérrez,

Dr. Samantha Molina Gutiérrez,

Graduate Research Seminar Organizing Sub-Committee

Dr Timo Melchin, Wacker Chemie, Germany

Sandra Smeltzer (PhD Student), Queen’s University, Canada

Elena Rigo (PhD Student), University of Montpellier, France

Alvarro del Castillo (PhD Student), University of the Basque Country, Spain

Emilie Miroir (PhD Student), University of Lyon, France

Sandra Smeltzer

Sandra Smeltzer

Elena Rigo

Elena Rigo

Alvarro del Castillo

Alvarro del Castillo

Emilie Miroir

Emilie Miroir

About the Graduate Research Seminar (GRS)

The GRS occurs the weekend before the main IPCG conference. The GRS begins on the evening of Friday, June 20th with a chance to get to know other graduate students working in polymer colloids, prior to the technical program on Saturday, June 21st and Sunday, June 22nd. It is a chance for graduate students to come together and share their work with each other through oral and/or poster presentations.

Distinguished speakers in the field of polymer colloids will provide Master Classes focused on their respective fields (see below).

Registration and Abstract Submission

Registration is now open. All participants must submit an abstract of their work if they wish to present. Not everyone will be accepted for an oral presentation, however, all students are expected to present a poster during both the GRS and main IPCG poster session. Participants of the GRS seminar are requested to submit only one abstract. The GRS committee will review all submitted abstracts and select contributions for oral presentations, in addition to the required poster presentation. For questions related to registration contact

Oral and Poster Presentation Information

Oral presentation slots will be 20 minutes in length (15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes question period).
Poster dimensions: Vertical, typically A0 size. A0 = 841 x 1189 (mm) = 33.1 x 46.8 (inches).


Early bird registration: March 2, 2025

Poster submission (GRS and main conference): April 25, 2025

Registrations close: May 12, 2025