Welcome to “The end of the Kura-Araxes Phenomenon” Online Worskhop!
2nd-3rd December 2021
Our online conference “The end of the Kura-Araxes phenomenon and the EB/MB transition in the South Caucasus: the chrono-cultural aspect”, which will be held between the 2nd and 3rd December 2021.
In the list of crucial issues associated with the study of the Kura-Araxes culture (3600/3500- 2500 cal BC), the question of this transitional phase between the demise of the Kura-Araxes culture and the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age, between about 2500 and 2000 cal BC, is one of the most compelling.
The problem of the end of the Kura-Araxes culture is clearly multifaceted and includes the study of possible causes and mechanisms – both inherent and external – of the disappearance of a culture.
During this conference, we propose to discuss questions of absolute chronology, cultural attribution and distinct local trajectories of the archaeological complexes of the South Caucasus in the second half of the third millennium BC. All the possible scenarios that could explain settlement abandonment and mechanisms of cultural change will be scrutinized.
We hope that the conference will provide us with a better understanding of this fascinating and still little-known transition period that is the “post-Kura-Araxes” in the South Caucasus. We also hope that, at the outcome of the conference, a more nuanced description of the changes and continuities between the Early and Middle Bronze Ages will provide a substantial basis for further research.
This dashboard has been built with the aim of duplicating the same environment as an in-person conference, you will find below the usual conference areas: conference room, welcome desk and networking room .
Each participant will be able to join the area she/he is interested in by simply clicking on the corresponding button.
The welcome desk room allows you to talk to a staff member who is available to help you. If you encounter any difficulty in connecting to the welcome desk room then use the chat room, it should appear on the bottom right corner of this page during the whole conference.
The conference will start on December 2nd 2021 at 09:15 AM (CET)
Everything You Need In One Place
You will find below some useful documents related to the programme and the participation process

Conference program
Check which sessions you are interested in.

Process of participation
Find here instructions and best practices to prepare your conference.

Code of conduct
Please be respectful with other participants and the confidentiality of your colleague’s work.
By using this platform, you are agreeing to the event code of conduct.
The Organizing Committee is not responsible for the quality of the internet connection of any of the speakers and of the attendees.