Program of the day
10:00 – 10:15 a.m
Welcome and introduction
- F. Houllier, CEO of Ifremer
- O. Lefort, Director of the French Oceanographic Fleet
10:15- 11:30 a.m
Round table 1- The scientific challenges facing the scientific communities
In 2017, a wide-ranging consultation process was used to draw up an inventory of the future needs of oceanographic scientists: physical oceanographers, palaeoclimatologists, biologists, geologists, etc. In 2023 and 2024, this scientific outlook has been updated to take account of changes in scientific questions since then and the new technologies available. The round table will address the major scientific questions of tomorrow for FOF users, the scientific methodologies that will we used and the geographical areas of interest.
<> C. David-Beausire (Ifremer) Scientific Director of the French Oceanographic Fleet
<> The coordinators of the scientific working groups :
- V. Bout-Roumazeilles (CNRS, LOG), paleoclimate and paleoenvironment
- E. Machu (IRD, LOPS), ocean physics and biogeochemistry
- M. Marjanovic (CNRS, IPGP), marine geosciences,
- S. Samadi, (MNHN, ISYEB), marine biology and biodiversity
- P. Petitgas (Ifremer), fisheries sciences
- K. Sellegri (CNRS, LAMP), atmospheric measurements
11:30 – 11:45 a.m
11:45 a.m – 1:00 p.m
Round table 2- Tomorrow's research ships and facilities
The FOF continues to renew its vessels and equipment through a number of major projects such as the AUV 6000 Ulyx and the forthcoming ship Anita Conti. At the same time, the technologies available are evolving rapidly : remotely operated vehicles, use of low-carbon energy sources for ships, robotics for underwater vehicles, etc. Given the needs of users, what will be FOF’s priorities in renewing its facilities ?
<> S. Leroy (CNRS, ISTeP), Chair of Commissions for offshore vessels (CNFH)
<> O. Lefort (Ifremer, DFO/DIR), Director of the French oceanographic fleet
<> T. de Garidel-Thoron (CNRS, CEREGE)
<> V. Chavagnac (CNRS, GET)
<> M. Doray (Ifremer)
<> M. Nokin (Ifremer), head of Vessels and On-board Systems unit
<> J. Opderbecke (Ifremer/SM), head of Underwater Systems unit
<> J. Escartin (CNRS-ENS)
1:00 – 2:00 p.m
2:00 – 3:15 p.m
Round table 3 - Adapting the procedures and access to FOF
FOF needs to change the way it operates to meet new challenges. The work and consultations carried out since spring 2023 have highlighted a number of improvements that need to be considered, particularly in terms of: access to infrastructure, vessel scheduling, enhancing the use of data, and partnerships.
<> N. Arnaud, Director of CNRS/INSU)
<> C. David-Beausire
<> E. Foucher (Ifremer), Chair of Commissions for coastal vessels
<> B. Ildefonse (CNRS, Géosciences Montpellier)
<> D. Lefevre (CNRS, M.I.O.)
3:15 – 3:30 p.m
3:30 – 4:45 p.m
Round table 4 - Reducing the carbon footprint of the French Oceanographic Fleet
The decarbonization of the FOF’s activities has been a major new focus of the work carried out. This round table will look at possible trajectories for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as the actions and resources needed to decarbonize the FOF.
<> X. Capet (CNRS, LOCEAN)
<> O. Pringault (IRD)
<> L. Mermier, Ship-ST
<> M. Simon (Ifremer, DFO/DIR), assistant to the Director of the French Oceanographic Fleet
4:45 – 5:30 p.m
- Q&A with the FOF Board of Directors
- O. Lefort,
- F. Houllier,
- Corinne Borel, Head of strategy, research and innovation department [to be confirmed]
Moderator : Marion Watras