SIP Overseas Outreach Caravan
Structural Materials for Innovation
The Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) is a national project for science, technology and innovation, spearheaded by the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI) as it exercises its headquarters function to accomplish its role in leading science, technology and innovation beyond the framework of government ministries and traditional disciplines. The SIP has identified 11 subjects that will address the most important social problems facing Japan, as well as contribute to the resurgence of the Japanese economy.
“Structural Materials for Innovation (SM4I), is one of the major subjects in the SIP and its goal is to develop materials that are strong, light and heat-resistant, leading to innovation in aviation and power generation industries. The implementation period is for 5 years, FY2014 – FY2018 and the total budget is 19 billion JPY. Approximately 900 researchers have participated in our project.
Our project is coming to an end in this financial year so that we would like to hold this symposium in order to introduce the SIP program globally and to show the accomplishments of our research and development. The principal investigators in our project will make presentations. We hope to have as many participants as possible, especially those who are interested in materials for components of aircraft engines and airframes.
Participation without registration is not possible
Program Director

Prof. Teruo Kishi
Science and Technology Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs
Program overview
- 12:30 - 13:30
- 13:30 - 13:40
- 13:40 - 14:00
- 14:00 - 14:15
- 14:15 - 14:35
- 14:35 - 14:40
- 14:40 - 14:55
- 14:55 - 15:10
- 15:10 - 15:25
- 15:25 - 15:35
Monday, February 11
- Registration
- Opening Remarks
Teruo Kishi
Science and Technology Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI)François Mudry
Président IRT M2P et Metafensch
- Science, Technology and Innovation Policy of Japan
Kazuhito Hashimoto (Council for Science, Technology and Innovation Cabinet Office)
- Overview of SIP Policy
Toshio Tonouchi(Industrial Technology and Nanotechnology)
- Science, Technology and Innovation Policy of France (TBD) MESRI
- Overview of Structural Materials for Innovation (SM4I)
Teruo Kishi
Science and Technology Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs
- (Polymers and CFRP)
- CFRP Process Monitoring / Modeling and Quality Assurance
Nobuo Takeda (The University of Tokyo / JAXA)
- Out-of-Autoclave (OoA) Molding Technology for Aircraft Composite Structure
Kenichi Yoshioka (Toray)
- Tough and High Volume-purposed CFRP Technology Development
Toshio Abe (MHI)
- Discussion and Coffee Break
Program overview
- 15:35 - 15:50
- 15:50 - 16:05
- 16:05 - 16:20
- 16:20 - 16:30
- 16:30 - 16:45
- 16:45 - 17:00
- 17:00 - 17:10
- 17:10 - 17:25
- 17:25 - 17:40
- 17:40 - 17:50
- 17:50 - 17:55
Monday, February 11
- (Heat Resistant Alloys and Intermetallic Compounds)
- Process Innovation for Super Heat-resistant Metals
Yoko Yamabe-Mitarai (NIMS)
- TiAl Intermetallic Compounds
Masao Takeyama (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- Metal Injection Molding
Hiroshi Kuroki (IHI)
- Discussion and Coffee Break
- (Ceramic Matrix Composites)
- Inexpensive Melt Infiltration Process of SiC/SiC Composites
Yutaka Kagawa (Tokyo University of Technology)
- Advanced Multi-Layered Environmental Barrier Coatings
Satoshi Kitaoka (JFCC)
- Discussion and Coffee Break
- (Materials Integration)
- Performance Prediction in Materials Integration
Manabu Enoki (The University of Tokyo)
- Data-driven approaches in Materials Integration
Masahiko Demura (NIMS)
- Discussion and Coffee Break
- Closing Remarks
Marcel Van de Voorde(Delft University of Technology)
Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l’innovation


If you have any questions regarding this symposium, please contact us at or by phone: +331.