Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics International Conference 2022

NANOP 2022: Functional Nanophotonics

After tremendous endeavors, Nanophotonics has already departed from its infancy and stepped into an exciting era, where research ideas and theoretical concepts are being vigorously transferred into functional devices and real-life applications. The fifth edition of the NANOP conference identifies the successful development of Functional Nanophotonics over the last decades as well as outlines upcoming research directions and topics, offering a vibrant platform for scientists to discuss, share, and fantasize.

  • Photonic & plasmonic nanomaterials
  • Optics and transport on 2D materials
  • Metamaterials and metasurfaces
  • All dielectric nanophotonics
  • NanoAntennas
  • Strong light-matter interactions at the nanoscale
  • Quantum nano-optics
  • Nano-Optomechanics
  • Nano-optical trapping
  • Quantum dots and colour centres
  • Enhanced spectroscopies
  • Optical sensing
  • Electron beams for nanophotonics
  • Bottom-up approach enabled nanophotonics
  • Nanoscale photothermal effects
  • Hot Electrons
  • Nonlinear & ultrafast nano-optics
  • Advanced imaging
  • Topological photonics & Non-reciprocal nano-optic
  • Inverse design in photonics


Dr. Patrice Genevet

Dr. Patrice Genevet

CNRS, France



Dr. Jérome Wenger

Dr. Jérome Wenger

Aix Marseille University, France



Prof. Dimitri Basov

Prof. Dimitri Basov

Columbia University, United States

Dr. Sébastien Bidault

Dr. Sébastien Bidault

Langevin Institute, France

Dr. Alexandre Bouhelier

Dr. Alexandre Bouhelier

Burgundy University, France

Prof. Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi

Prof. Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi

University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Prof. Harald Giessen

Prof. Harald Giessen

Stuttgart University, Germany

Prof. Reuven Gordon

Prof. Reuven Gordon

University of Victoria, Canada

Prof. Rachel Grange

Prof. Rachel Grange

ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Prof. Laura Na Liu

Prof. Laura Na Liu

Stuttgart University, Germany

Prof. Lukas Novotny

Prof. Lukas Novotny

ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Prof. Mikael C. Rechtsman

Prof. Mikael C. Rechtsman

Pennsylvania State University, United States

Prof. Alejandro W. Rodriguez

Prof. Alejandro W. Rodriguez

Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials, United States

Prof. Yonatan Sivan

Prof. Yonatan Sivan

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel


You are invited to submit the corresponding full paper to be reviewed and published in the Nanophotonics Journal edited by De Gruyter.


We are delighted to announce a partnership between the De Gruyter, peer-reviewed, open access journal Nanophotonics (IMPACT FACTOR: 7.923) and the Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics International Conference 2022 (NANOP 2022).

Authors of the selected abstracts submitted to the Conference are encouraged to submit their paper to form part of a Special Collection in the Nanophotonics journal. The publication fees will be waived for the 3 best abstracts.

Important deadlines

  • Submission of manuscripts start: October 28, 2022 (all authors will be informed by email)
  • Submission of manuscripts end: Feb 28, 2023

For full details on how to submit your paper to the journal, please refer to the Instructions for Authors.. When submitting your paper, please indicate that the paper is to be considered for this Special Collection. All papers will be peer-reviewed following the usual review process and criteria of the Nanophotonics journal.

Nanophotonics looks forward to receiving your submissions and providing an outlet for your research.


Because promoting excellence matters

The journal Photonics (MDPI) is pleased to offer a prize to the best oral presentation for young researchers of NANOP 2022. The prize includes:

[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A € 500 cash prize

The winners are:

1) Maria Barra Burillo: “Aluminum bowties for broadband SEIRA sensing”

2) Melissa Najem: Evolution of the phonon-photon coupling regime in microcavities filled with hexagonal boron nitride”

The journal NANOPHOTONICS is pleased to offer a prize to the best poster of NANOP 2022. The prize includes:

[icon name=icon_ribbon_alt] A € 500 cash prize

The winner is Yali Sun: “Label-free detection of virus with specificity by self-assembly single nanostructure”

