Networking & Break Area
Welcome to the Networking and Break Area!
It is very important to keep interactions between to community members, you will find different options below:
Q&A rooms: meet the speakers of the previous sessions and ask more questions. Each speaker will have her/his own room.
Open positions rooms: discuss with the labs that are offering positions or with possible candidates for your lab. Offers and CVs will be collected prior to the conference, please send us an email at if you are interested in.
Beer & Juice rooms: meet with your colleagues at your convenience, and schedule a meeting in one of the beers & juice rooms.
These rooms will be opened during the whole day. If you have already visited this webpage in the past, we highly recommend refreshing the page in order to get the latest updates.

Beer & Juice Rooms: available at each Networking and Break Session
Welcome to our Beer & Juice rooms! In these rooms, you will get the chance to have a drink and talk with other participants.
The aim of this networking area is to interact in small groups. If you notice that the room is already too crowded, we kindly invite you to move towards another room.
Beer & Juice Room
Beer & Juice Room
Beer & Juice Room

Open positions Rooms
Are you looking for a new position or are you interested in meeting candidates for a position that your lab is offering?
The following rooms are dedicated to ease the matching between the labs and the candidates. Please note that a document gathering some resumes and offers is available in your welcome bag.