Technical Support

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Open 30 minutes before the conference

Workshop for the public

(beginning at 10:25 AM)

Open 30 minutes before the session

Youth Commission for the Future of the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean area is bound to undergo many changes in the coming decades: overheated sea, loss of biodiversity, tourist constraints, poverty… These changes in the Mediterranean have to be an opportunity to take the turn of sustainable development more quickly!

With the aim to reflect on the future of the region by 2050, Plan Bleu is launching the first Youth Commission for the Future of the Mediterranean bringing together young people, aged 15 to 27 from each of the countries around the Mediterranean. Its purpose is to reflect and debate on the lifestyles desired by young people today, and thus take the best directions for future Mediterranean generations!

This Commission is part of the Med 2050 Programme, which aims to confront several possible visions of the future of the Mediterranean by 2050 and co-construct solid and realistic transition paths towards common objectives.


How does this dashboard work?

This dashboard was built with the aim of reproducing the environment of a face-to-face conference. You will find below the usual spaces of a conference: the Technical Support, the conference room…
Each participant can reach the area of interest by simply clicking on the button on the corresponding room.

It is necessary to preserve human interactions as much as possible. Therefore, a member of the technical organization team will be at your disposal at the Technical Support desk to answer all your questions throughout the conference.
If you encounter technical problems while logging into the Home Office, please use instant messaging. The link to it will appear at the bottom right of this page during the conference days.

Everything You Need In One Place

You will find below some useful information related to the program, the documents and the participation process

Online conference program

Meeting program

Check the program & the documents available here.

Online conference code of conduct

Code of conduct

Please respect the other participants and the confidentiality of your colleagues’ work.

Online conference advices and best practice

Process of participation

Find here instructions and best practices to prepare for the conference.

By using this platform, you are agreeing to the event code of conduct.

The Organizing Committee is not responsible for the quality of the internet connection of any of the speakers and of the attendees.