About Yeast 2025


ICYGMB symposia and workshops cover highly significant research fields across all yeast species. The conference features both plenary presentations and workshop sessions. The plenary lecture format provides opportunities for all investigators to reach beyond the confines of their own particular studies to inform themselves more broadly about every aspect of yeast, its genetics, molecular biology, commercial and clinical applications. Workshops are more focused on specific areas of research. In addition, Poster Sessions provide opportunities for sharing the latest results, networking and one-on-one conversations about the finer points of other researchers’ studies, giving everyone an exciting entry into the exchange of scientific ideas and making or renewing friendships across the international community of yeast scientists.

The ICYGMB began humbly in 1961 when just eleven yeast researchers from Italy, Canada and the United States met to standardize the disparate nomenclature of the mutants with which they worked. From that modest beginning, the ICYGMB has grown to its present, preeminent, European Saccharomyces cerevisiae conference hosted biannually, each time in a different country. In recent years the variety of yeast species, applications of yeast to commercialization, human biology and disease have continued to grow and broaden.