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Preliminary program
Schedule overview (CET)
- 8:45am
- 8:55am
- 9:10am
- 9:20am
- 9:40am
- 10:20am
- 10:50am
- 11:00am
- 11:30am
- 12:00pm
- 1:45pm
- 2:15pm
- 2:45pm
- 3:15pm
- 3:25pm
- 3:55pm
- 4:30pm
Wednesday 15th December
- Welcome of participants
Ms. Lina Tode, Deputy Director, Plan Bleu - Welcome address and introduction
Mr. Giuseppe Moro, Head of the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy - The nexus "Demography-International Migration-Sustainable Development" and Mediterranean integration
Ms. Blanca Moreno-Dodson, Director, Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI)/UNOPS - Context of the workshop: The MED2050 Foresight exercise
Ms. Khadidja Amine, MED 2050 Project Officer, Plan Bleu - Session 1: Migration in the Mediterranean basin 9:40 - 10:50 am
- Presence, origin and destination of migrants in the Mediterranean. Past trends and perspectives for 2050 - Presentation of draft scenarios prepared under the MED 2050 foresight exercise
Mr. Alain Parant, demographer, former researcher at INED and scientific advisor to Futuribles International, France - Mixed migratory flows in the Mediterranean Region - Routes, vulnerabilities and responses
Prof. Elena Ambrosetti and Ms. Enza Roberta Petrillo, UNESCO Chair in Population, Migrations and Development at the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy - comfort break
- Session 2 : Zoom on the national, bilateral and euro-mediterranean level
- Insights from Morocco
Mr. Mohammed Fassi Fihri, Director of the Centre de recherches et d’études démographiques (Cered), Morocco - Syrian migration to Lebanon
Ms. Roula Abi Habib Khoury, University of Lebanon - lunch break
- The role of the European Union vis-à-vis migration flows in the Mediterranean
Mr. Jean-François Drevet, former EU civil servant - Between containment, confinement and dispersal: the evolution of the Italian reception system before and after the ‘refugee crisis’
Mr. Giuseppe Campesi, Department of Political Science, University of Bari, Italy - Participatory research in informal settlements. The experience of Borgo Mezzanone
Elena Carletti, University of Bari - comfort break
- Session 3 : Linking climate change and migration
- Risks from environmental change in the Mediterranean Basin - implications for conflict and migration
Mr. Wolfgang Cramer, MedECC Coordinator - Lessons learned from the Groundswell reports on Preparing for and acting on internal climate migration
Mr. Ms. Viviane Clement and Ms. Kanta Kumari Rigaud, the World Bank - Closing the day
Schedule overview (CET)
- 9:00am
- 9:10am
- 9:40am
- 10:10am
- 10:40am
- 10:50am
- 11:20am
- 12:40pm
- 12:50pm
Thursday, 16th December
- Welcome of participants - Messages from yesterday’s work
Ms. Lina Tode, Deputy Director, Plan Bleu - Continuation of session 3 : Linking climate change and migration
- The Climate Change-Migration-Conflict Nexus and the Future of the Mediterranean
Ms. Monia Braham, Tunisia - The Water Security Nexus in North Africa: Catalyzing Regional Coordination Around Climate Change, Resilience and Migration
Mr. Cyril Gourraud, Programme Officer - Water, Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI)/UNOPS. - Outcomes of UNFCCC COP26' Glasgow Pact : From the need of a policy framework to the establishment of a formal process of action for climate migrations - Implications for the Mediterranean
Mr. Stéphane Pouffary, Director of ENERGIES 2050, France - comfort break
- Session 4 : Youth and the nexus
- Youth, Actors for Change: Rethinking Mobility
Giulia Marchesini,Senior Partnership Specialist, Center for Mediterranean Integration (CMI)/UNOPS - Session 5: Workshop on scenarios
- Workshop: Contrasting scenarios of the future of migration in the Mediterranean
Workshop with all participants based on proposed scenarios from Alain Parant - Closing remarks
Lina Tode, Deputy Director, Plan Bleu - Closing the day