Welcome to the

Marine eDNA Workshop Dashboard

Defining best practices for oceanic eDNA studies from coastal to deep sea ecosystems, from micro- to macro-organisms, and from past to present times

The recent development of technologies enabling the analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA) opens up innovative perspectives for exploration and monitoring of biodiversity, for understanding its dynamics over different spatial, temporal, and biological scales but also for its conservation. However, the use of eDNA in the marine environment is still limited by a number of methodological barriers and technological challenges. The Tara-Ifremer-EMBL Workshop on Marine Environmental DNA will bring together experts interested in the future application of eDNA-based studies in the marine environment with the objective of identifying priority research questions as well as conceptual, methodological, and technological limitations and generating a roadmap towards overcoming these limitations that we hope will lead to a white paper and joint publication.


  • Best practices/State-of-the-art
  • Sampling and analysis methodologies
  • Distinguishing DNA in living and dead organisms
  • Sources, diffusion and stability of DNA in the marine environment,
    including ancient DNA
  • Taking eDNA beyond monitoring to research
  • New perspectives for evolutionary studies


Start networking before the conference!

In order to ease the communication and networking with the other attendees, you will have access to an online chat platform from Wednesday, April 21st. This chat will be divided into several channels with different topics and will keep the discussion history. Just click on the button below to access the chat, no installation is needed but you will have to ask for permission to join before.


How does it work?

This dashboard has been built with the target of duplicating the same environment as an in-person conference, you will find below the usual conference areas: welcome desk and the main room.
Each participant will be able to join the area she/he is interested in by simply clicking on the corresponding button.

It is very important to keep a maximum of human interactions, that is why a welcome desk room where you can talk with a staff member is available to help you.
If you encounter any technical issue to connect to the welcome desk room then use the chat room, it should appear on the bottom right corner of this page during the conference days.

The conference will start on April 26th at 2PM (CEST)








Everything You Need In One Place

You will find below some useful documents related to the program and the participation process
Online conference program

Conference program

Consult the program and identify the different sessions.

Online conference code of conduct

Code of conduct

Please be respectful with other participants and the confidentiality of your colleague’s work.

Online conference advices and best practice

Process of participation

Find here instructions and best practices to prepare your conference.