HealthData@EU Pilot: Stakeholder Forum

The HealthData@EU pilot project invites experts, professionals and decision-makers in the (digital) health sector across Europe to the first stakeholder forum of the project. This will be the opportunity to present and discuss the progress of the pilot project testing a first implementation of the European health data space for the secondary use of health data.


Overall schedule:
– Introductory words by the Project coordinator and the European Commission –
– Health Data@EU pilot project first results and next steps –
– Challenges and lessons learned based on the cross-border use cases –
– Concluding remarks and looking ahead –


The event will take place on October 19th, 9:30 am and 12:30pm(UTC+2), as a hybrid event at PariSanté Campus, Paris, France and online.

The conference will start on Thursday, October 19th at 9:30 am








How does it work ?

This connection platform has been built with the aim of duplicating the same environment as an in-person conference, you will find below the usual conference areas: conference room and welcome desk.
Each participant will be able to join the area she/he is interested in by simply clicking on the corresponding button.

The welcome desk room allows you to talk to a staff member who is available to help you. If you encounter any difficulty in connecting to the welcome desk room then use the chat room which should appear on the bottom right corner of this page during the whole conference.

By using this platform, you are agreeing to the event code of conduct.

The Organizing Committee is not responsible for the quality of the internet connection of any of the speakers and of the attendees.