Evénement “Remise des prix et de restitution des résultats du Data Challenge DigiLut” –
14 novembre 2024
Le 14 novembre, l’Hôpital Foch et le Health Data Hub vous convient à l’événement de remise des prix et de restitution des résultats du Data Challenge DigiLut, organisé de 14h à 17h45.
A cette occasion, vous assisterez à des présentations d’experts autour du rejet de greffe pulmonaire et de la pathologie digitale. L’événement se clôturera par la cérémonie de remise des prix du Data Challenge DigiLut, un projet mené dans le cadre de l’initiative Data Challenges.
Diagnosing lung transplant rejection with AI: DigiLut Data Challenge Awards Ceremony –
November 14th
On November 14th, Hôpital Foch, in partnership with the Health Data Hub, is pleased to invite you to the awards ceremony and presentation of the results from the DigiLut Data Challenge organized from 2 pm to 5.45 pm at PariSanté Campus and online.
During the event, experts will present their insights on lung transplant rejection and digital pathology. The event will close with the DigiLut Data Challenge Awards Ceremony, a project carried out as part of the Data Challenge initiative, supported by the Ministerial Delegation for Digital Health, the General Secretariat for Investment, Bpifrance, and the Health Data Hub, as part of the France 2030 plan.
The conference will start on Friday, November 14th at 02:00 pm
Conference Room
Open 30 minutes before the conference starts
Technical Assistance
Our team is here to help you!
Open 30 minutes before the conference starts and throughout the conference
How does it work?
This connection platform has been built with the aim of duplicating the same environment as an in-person conference, you will find below the usual conference areas: conference room and welcome desk.
Each participant will be able to join the area she/he is interested in by simply clicking on the corresponding button.
The welcome desk room allows you to talk to a staff member who is available to help you. If you encounter any difficulty in connecting to the welcome desk room then use the chat room which should appear on the bottom right corner of this page during the whole conference.
By using this platform, you are agreeing to the event code of conduct.
The Organizing Committee is not responsible for the quality of the internet connection of any of the speakers and of the attendees.