Networking & Break Area

Welcome to the Networking and Break Area!

You will find below 2 types of room: one where you can meet speakers you have previously seen in the main conference room and one where you can network with other participants.

You will have access to Beer & Juice Rooms at each Networking and Break session in order to get the opportunity to network at your convenience with other participants.

These rooms will be opened only during Break Sessions. If you have already visited this webpage in the past, we highly recommend refreshing the page in order to get the latest updates.

Ask questions to speakers !

You have just watched a speech in the main room area and you haven’t had the chance to ask questions? These networking sessions will make it possible to connect and talk with the speaker who has just made this speech.

Network with others participants !

Depending on the day of the conference, you will be able to have a drink with your colleagues 

Q&A Sessions with Speakers

In this area, you have the opportunity to communicate with the speakers of the previous oral session. Speakers are ranked in the same order as the oral session. Check the program for more details !



Beer & Juice Rooms: available at each Networking and Break Session

Welcome to our Beer & Juice rooms! In these rooms, you will get the chance to have a drink and talk with other participants.

The aim of this networking area is to interact in small groups. If you notice that the room is already too crowded, we kindly invite you to move towards another room.

Oktoberfest Room

Bretzel Room

Beer & Juice Room