ICONAN 2016 – Conference On Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology


The following information are provided to assist authors with the preparation of their presentation. You shall comply with these instructions and guidelines in order to make sure that your presentation will go smoothly. If you need any further information please contact the ICONAN 2016 organizing committee at iconan2016@premc.org

For all presenters

[icon name=icon_briefcase] You shall go to the welcome desk when you arrive at the conference venue to collect your welcome bag, program and other related materials.

[icon name=icon_pin_alt] You shall come back at the welcome desk after your presentation to collect your certificate of presentation.

[icon name=icon_id-2] You shall print (in color) and bring the badge that you received by email when you registered for ICONAN 2016.

[icon name=icon_laptop] The WIFI signal is not good at UPMC, so please preload on your laptop all needed documents. Also, an EDUROAM network will be available onsite. More information is available here.

[icon name=icon_table] The detailed schedule of presentations should be ready and published on the event website on September 19th

For oral presenters

[icon name=icon_images] You shall load your Powerpoint presentation onto the Ex Ordo platform before the conference, you will receive an email to announce when this step will be available. You shall also bring a copy of your presentation to the conference on a USB stick as backup.

[icon name=icon_easel] You shall arrive at the room where you presentation is scheduled 15 minutes prior to the first presentation in that session and make yourself known to the session Chair.

[icon name=icon_clock_alt] You shall stay for the whole session – for your paper and the papers of other speakers in that session – in order to enable the delegates who wish to speak with you at the end of the session to be able to find you easily.

[icon name=icon_hourglass] Your presentation shall last 15 minutes. The Questions & Answers sessions should not exceed 5 minutes. In the interest of fairness, please make sure that your whole session does not exceed 20 minutes. The Chair will time your presentation and provide you with a 2 minute warning. Please keep a strict eye on the time during your presentation.

[icon name=icon_easel] Make every effort to hold your audience by maintaining eye contact, modulating your voice and employing a lively delivery.

[icon name=icon_mic_alt] Speak loudly and clearly so that you can be heard by the audience.

[icon name=icon_like] Humour is always appreciated to keep the audience interested, but please avoid jokes that might be offensive to the audience.

For poster presenters

[icon name=icon_map_alt] Your poster shall have a vertical or “portrait” orientation and be at A0 Format: 841 x 1189 mm.

[icon name=icon_search] The poster shall be readable from a distance of 2-3 meters. This means that all lettering should be at least 8mm high, and that the graphs and diagrams should be drawn with a minimum line width of 1 mm. Use a clear typeface.

[icon name=icon_flowchart] You shall organize and align your content with columns, sections, headings, and blocks of text. Include title, collaborators, abstract, background/litterature review, research questions, materials, approach, process, or methods, results/conclusion, future directions, acknowledgements and contact information.

[icon name=icon_blocked] You shall avoid abbreviations, acronyms, and jargon. Avoid fuzzy images; make sure all graphics are high-resolution and easily visible.

[icon name=icon_refresh] Your poster shall be self-explanatory so that you are free to supplement the information and discuss particular points raised by viewers during your presentation session. Discussion becomes difficult if you need to spend time explaining your poster to viewers.

[icon name=icon_check] You shall bring an A0 hardcopy poster to the conference.

[icon name=icon_hourglass] You shall hang up and take down your poster according to the schedule that will be provided. You shall stand next to your poster for the duration of your scheduled presentation.